Joris van der Struijk - Youtube to mp3 converter, simple, fast & ad-free

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Ben Tossell
PHers love a Youtube converter :)
Ross Currie
@bentossell I certainly do! I threw a Guns N Roses youtube playlist on my TV the other day (playing via Nvidia Shield, so no ad blocker) and literally at the start of every song I had an ad... not only was the volume way higher than the music I was playing, but it was the same damn ad every single time! A 15 minute video pre-roll that I had to go and find the remote to skip every time. I tell you, if I was ever considering changing my loyalty from Makers Mark to Wild Turkey, I certainly won't be now, no matter how many times Matthew McConaughey tells me to.
Glenn van der Plaat
Hi Joris, looks cool! What is the Kbps output?
Joris van der Struijk
@glennvdplaat 320 kbps for HD vids. Mostly 192kbps
Glenn van der Plaat
@jorisvds why is 320 not supported?
Joris van der Struijk
@glennvdplaat it is. I meant 192 for non HQ vids
Joris van der Struijk
@glennvdplaat thanks for the advice will look at it asap
Niv Dror
For people who don't know what YouTube converters are... convert to what? I feel like the word download YouTube videos or something like that needs to be on there
Boris Gefter
Nice idea Joris - how do you plan on making money thought?
Joris van der Struijk
@boris_gefter Not, made it just for fun, donations are always welcome ofcourse ;)
Karim Daghari
How's this different than the other converters (youtube-mp3, clipconverter,etc ...) ?
Sergii Valiukh
Nice job, guys, including design approach and color palette at the beginning of user journey, it looks stylish but not-overloaded visually. Simplicity of the interface makes it easy to use both for experienced computer users and for those who are not too much techy. Still the panel of direct operation and converting is a bit overloaded with bright green details which can confuse users in terms of navigation and readability. However, the most essential thing is that the process of MP3 converting and downloading the audio works fast and well, which was definitely the main purpose of the service creators. What features did you set as the most important benefits of the product in such a competitive sphere?
Matt Horton
This just links to another converter for me.
Viral Jogani
Any plans to add more options? Specifically looking for a 320 kbps option
Krushnaal Pai

typical download buttons with endless redirect, wants you to share and like on fb, i want a one click solution


landing page is sweet


endless redirects

Huzaifa Ahmed
It doesn't work. This site can’t be reached’s server DNS address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN