Thanks Ben for hunting us! Hi 👋 from Berlin 🌏! I’m Dani, a co-founder of Jam.
We started building Jam because we were frustrated with the amount of meetings and back and forth it took to give design feedback to engineering.
As soon as we left the “designing phase” and started the “building phase”, there was no good way to leave comments on what the engineer built.
You know that meme about “the figma mockup” vs “the website”? (Meme: That’s why it happens! We were all looking at the website and there was no built-in commenting for the web. We resorted to all these crazy solutions like pasting screenshots into spreadsheets to track feedback 🙀.
So …. enter Jam, now available today as a Chrome extension. 💪 🎉
With Jam, you can leave comments right from the site (we automatically capture screenshots and other important developer information for you). 🤗
It’s great for: ✅ quickly capturing and annotating visual bugs ✅ reducing back and forths between designers and engineers ✅ surfacing problems early on.
We hope you like it! 🤞 🎨
I have been looking for something like this for a long time. A tool that helps me think through what our website should become (and then send requests for changes to the dev team).
Congrats on the launch, it looks very helpful. How does it work to link your business and website to Jam and to make your comments only seen by your developer?
Hey @rubenwolff, thanks so much! Jam is an annotation layer on top of the site so visitors to your website don't see comments left in Jam - it's purely for your team to comment on top 😁. Hope that helps!
Love the tool. Turns several back-and-forths on slack / a zoom call / asana comments / etc into feedback with all the context it needs to be meaningful. Thanks for building it, looking forward to using it!
Co-creator here 👋 Building this feature gave us super powers when working on rest of the Jam. The ease of leaving feedback on any part of the application and using that later in iteration proces was a game changer for product quality!
A very smart way to avoid clashes and wastage of time and resources between the designer and the engineer especially when communication is not a feasible solution at that moment.