Jakub Linowski

GoodUI Fastforward - Lift your conversion rate with repeatedly AB tested patterns

Hi, I’m Jakub Linowski and the goal of Fastforward is to find repeatable patterns with the highest probabilities of lifting conversion rates. To do this we run experiments with trusted companies open to testing similar ideas. So far we have identified 71 patterns based on 117 tests and we're adding new tests each month.

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Chris Hopf, PricingWire
I have been following your progress for quite some time now ... I frequently point my clients to your solution because of the benefits + value of the insights GoodUI provides ... and to compel them to establish and maintain an Always Be Testing / Always Be Learning (Know Your Customers Better Than Anyone Else) Mindset. What matters most ... is not personal preference ... but rather, what performs best. Keep up the great work (testing). :)
Jakub Linowski
@pricing Hey Chris. Thanks for your comments. And on the topic of pricing we actually have a few categorized patterns as well :) https://goodui.org/fastforward/p... I'd love to sketch up 2-3 of your top suggestions as patterns and include them in FF + link back to you with credits. Interested?
Chris Hopf, PricingWire

I frequently point my clients to your solution because of the benefits + value of the insights GoodUI provides ... and to compel them to establish and maintain an Always Be Testing / Always Be Learning (Know Your Customers Better Than Anyone Else) Mindset.

What matters most ... is not personal preference ... but rather, what performs best.


Fresh and Relevant Insights in real-world and credible context.



Sol Orwell
HUGE fan of GoodUI. No-nonsense real results without the sampling bias bullshit that plagues most CRO companies.
Jakub Linowski
Hey Everyone. I also wanted to share a few useful collections of patterns that are useful to us when we begin optimization projects (hopefully these might be useful to you as well): Sometimes we care to see patterns related to specific changes: Headlines - https://goodui.org/fastforward/p... Forms - https://goodui.org/fastforward/p... Or we might care to see patterns for a given screen type: Checkout Screens - https://goodui.org/fastforward/p... Or we can also look up patterns by the metric that was impacted: Sales - https://goodui.org/fastforward/p... Hope this helps. Ask me anything today and I will try to answer as soon as possible. Best, Jakub
Always checked and used your progress, Jakub. Keep the good work 😊
Pierre Gau
inspiring blog