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Tom Benattar

Trello Desktop for Mac — Get More Done Without Distractions

Ghost Kitty
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Ryan Chin
Thanks for your sacrifice Nathaniel. At least you get to say you're a trailblazer!
Orçun İlbeyli
Look! Another web based app. I even feel the pain when it takes 1-2 seconds before seeing actual screen. Please somebody bring old mac desktop experience back. Almost only app that left with native experience is Finder. Phewww
Mike Ritchie
@nucro having just built my first Electron app, it's hard to blame them. If you know web dev, it's crazy easy to build a solid app. For me, Electron was the difference between building a really good product in under a week and not building the app at all. (I.e. I simply don't have the time to learn to build native Mac and windows apps as a one man shop)
Kyle Richey
Really liking this so far. The only two things I'd like to see are: 1. Option not to blur the background behind the window. 2. Tabs to open multiple boards/cards in one window.

Nothing exciting at the moment. Using Trello on a browser seems to be ideal for me.


Did not find anything interesting.


It's not a native-native app. Seems to be well wrapped and packaged in electron (maybe). The app loads the boards each time you re-open.

Yessss! Been waiting to this one! The key point here is 'avoiding distractions'. I use Trello pretty much every day, all working day long. It definitely qualifies for its own seperate piece of realestate on my machine where it's a little further away from attention competing entities!
Abhijeet S. Sutar

Overall, its good to see an Trello mac app. Waited for this long time


Desktop feel, and focused


Need to improved, lot of lags when i switch boards and navigate different section of app

Tyler Clark

I'm glad that more people can have the Paws experience for free, I've been using Paws since last July and it's been a great experience.


One less Chrome Tab and Mac Notifications


Maybe legacy users could receive a sticker pack for their previous support of the project.

Doug C. Hardester
I've been using Paws for Trello since its first release. I'm glad to see Trello saw how good it really is and integrated them into the fold. Good work guys!
After use for about half day, Trello for desktop looks more like a web-app put into a native format, based on Electron or the sort. Not much of a tech guy here, but looks so, because the boards keep re-loading when the app is opened afresh, and prolonged inactivity asks me to reload the app. :/
Andrew Falchook
Finally! I use Trello on a daily basis, can't wait to see how it improves my workflow as a desktop application.
Pulkit Agrawal
@falchook curious to know how you're finding this. I'm not sure it's been that much better than the control I get from the browser experience.
Andrew Falchook
@_pulkitagrawal I haven't noticed that Trello desktop offers any more functionality than the browser experience. Nevertheless, I've found Trello in my dock much more accessible and convenient than keeping it open as a perpetual tab.
Ole Keding

Understandable that offline usage is probably on feature backlog and not yet implemented as this needs complex sync management. But until then this not much more then a browser substitute. If you are on the road often and try to work with Trello this is painful. Internet on the road (eg trains & flights) is never stable and Trello is very sensitive with connection.


Standalone app to disburden browser and help focus, mac notifications available, same UI as browser version


No offline usage and buffer - this would be critical for real app advantage

Safia Alice

The desktop version is perfect for running and organizing my business.


Easy to use


Better shortcut options

This is exciting, but a major blocker is the inability to use extensions available on Google Chrome - I mean, extensions like card counters. I wish card numbers were shown on Trello by default.

Trello for Mac has a long way to go. Needs new upgrades in the coming days.


Trello being available on desktop as a native app is the only advantage now.


Inability to use third-party add-ons - like I have been using card counter Google Chrome extensions on Trello website. Not possible here.

Sabri Helal
Is this built with Electron? Slack is and is horribly slow
Tim Shnaider
@sabrisjourney Slack Desktop is slow because of Slack devs and architecture. Plenty of fast Electron apps
Liza Schwartz
OMG. I adore Trello. It's easy in use and it looks great and cute. I think all girls will like to work in trello.
Marty Mankins

I've been using Trello for some time now and to have a native app on the Mac, it's been a long time coming. Wish they would bring back the Kindle app (it was discontinued some time ago)


Native app that omits the need to use the web client


Nothing. Works great.

Nathan Maas
Looks great, feels great, and works great. Been waiting for this for a while. Thanks team Trello @michaelpryor @tombenattar well done!
Mehedi Hassan
Sorry to be that guy, but why is this Mac only?
Kyle Richey
@mehedih_ The Windows desktop app comes out tomorrow, Sep 14, according to
@mehedih_ @imakestrides No plans for Linux? I mean, cross-platform is the darn point of Electron.
Wade Williams
Cheers for the retro 5.25 floppy soundtrack! Excellent trolling all around "Multiple windows to increase your productivity!"