Ben Tossell

Medium 3.0 - Next step of an exciting new phase and the Partners Program


Medium 3.0 is a place to read and write, now with a Partner Program so you can make money sharing your stories.

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Ryan Hoover
Fun fact: We once had a bug on Product Hunt that allowed people to upvote a product an infinite number of times. Perhaps we were (accidentally) ahead of our time. ๐Ÿค”
@rrhoover can we put that bug back in place please?
Ryan Hoover
@hammadh4 "FEATURE! NOT A BUG" they say
Sushant Joshi
@rrhoover - Medium stopped counting my claps after 50, so they have a cap, right?
Mike Ritchie
@rrhoover @sushdagr8 Yes, I believe the formal term is a clap cap
Laef ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฑ
@rrhoover Interestingly, it seems like you can subscribe to Product Hunt Upcomings an infinite number of times... ๐Ÿค” I guess this shows just how interested you are? ๐Ÿ˜€
Kristian Muรฑiz
It would be nicer if it showed the number of readers that clapped, though. At least in the writer's stats page. Just for the sake of knowing your audience.
Isaac Naor
@kristianmuniz I believe @Ev indicated in a comment on medium that more detailed stats are coming, and that because the ๐Ÿ‘ data point can occur anywhere in a post, it will eventually lead writers to understanding more about what specific parts of a post resonated most with readers.
@isaacnaor interesting because I personally like/clap after reading the whole thing.
Isaac Naor
@alexyoungkwon seems like the biggest problem is a legacy issue, whereas people that have posts with lots of โ€œrecommendsโ€ feel like the value of the โ€œrecommendsโ€ changed, and their workโ€™s value is lower (almost like it experienced some kind of inflation). Life lesson: Change is the only constant
Jamie Talbot
@kristianmuniz The author of a post *can* see the number of readers who clapped. Click the clap count on a post for a breakdown.
katie zhu
@kristianmuniz It does show that if you click on the number. It opens a modal with the total number of claps from how many individual people. As a writer of a post, this modal also shows you how many claps each person gave you.
Ben Tossell
Lots of people will have seen the branding updates recently... now the app is updated in the appstore too! Oh and we all know about ๐Ÿ‘ Medium is easily one of the best things I purchase on a monthly basis. A Medium post on the Partner Program
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@bentossell I hope they offer a "read it for me" premium subscription feature too. I just don't have enough time in the day to consume all that content!
Ben Tossell
@chrismessina yeah hope so!
Niv Dror
It's all about the claps. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Medium created an emoji-based economy for content creators to earn money.
Niv Dror
Starting today, we are ending the upvote. Official announcement:
Jason Mercer
@nivo0o0 wow? really! That's exciting!
Mann Hing
I wonder if there was consideration towards the kind of behavior this might drive writers towards? This kind of incentivization might lead to a push towards the top 10/trendy news style as opposed to quality content on a variety of topics.
Garet McKinley
@hingadingaling My exact thoughts. The world already has a monetization problem, and detailed analytics are the root of that problem. It's the same reason I'm against podcast apps providing analytics about how much people actually listen. As soon as they have those stats, most sponsors will pull out because they found out everyone is skipping their advertisement. I really hope you're wrong about this, but I have a feeling this is the first step in converting medium to a crowd-sourced buzzfeed
Mann Hing
As a counterpoint to my comment, the ability for individual users to give unlimited claps could be interesting in the sense that it encourages writers with highly engaged readers in potentially more niche genres to be more targeted in what they write - as opposed to a wide audience, fewer claps per reader strategy. Curious to see how it works out as monetization comes only from paying Medium subscribers, and value of claps are diluted per writer if readers clap a lot, as it's a % of their subscription fee.
Bas Grasmayer
@hingadingaling Not sure... reading a 10 page long article would encourage me to hold the clap button a lot longer than a low effort '10 ways dogs are cuter than cats' post with gifs.
Product Pearson
This is what Quora should have done years ago...
Amilton L. Paglia
I'm really glad that Medium logotype has returned to it's roots. Now it fells like I'm on a place where great content are welcome and respected. I have a lot of doubts about the whole new Claps stuff and it's impact on measuring engagement, but I respect the guts of the product team to push new ideas forward. ๐Ÿ‘
Dave Morse
I LOVE MEDIUM!!! I LOVE MEDIUM!!! I LOVE MEDIUM!!! I LOVE MEDIUM!!! Also, have I mentioned that I love Medium? If not, let me tell you something ... IT'S THE BEST.
Nikunj Verma
Aah. I saw this clap thingy today on someone's blog and liked the UX so much that I tried to dig into who developed it. Then I realized it was a Medium blog. Nicely done @medium! On the partner program - interesting take. Although I think the savvy content creators have already found some more lucrative sales funnels on top of their content already. Who are the target audience exactly?
Kunal Bhatia
This just means I have to think about my own giving of ๐Ÿ‘ system! I've started in increments of 10, going up to 30. Gives me enough ๐Ÿ‘ to spread around the articles I like. What's your ๐Ÿ‘ system? ๐Ÿค”
Thomas Leitermann
@kunalslab for me, that points to the whole problem of the new clapping system: why do I as the reader have to think of a clapping system?! Not only does it push work on me, but it is also totally inconsistent across readers - but then used to measure payouts, assuming everyone uses the same system. To me, it's not thought out well (or even at all..)
Kunal Bhatia
@thomasleiterman point well taken. The good thing is that payouts are done based on your relative level of claps across posts individually. No thinking required there!
Thomas Leitermann
@kunalslab at least they thought of that! :D But do I as a reader now about that when clapping? ... with this whole feature there are so many unknowns just pushed onto the reader, I really wonder what pressured Medium to hurry this so much...
Javier Ramos
Can we get Medium ๐Ÿ‘ stickers?
โœŽ Andrew Warner
Which one of you PH readers will create a WordPress plugin that does some of this?
Steve Dimmick

Would be great if Medium could auto suggest stock imagery based on the content you're writing.


Clean, simple, powerful. Everything we want doopoll to be.


Not really. I love it!

Steve Messer
If the number of claps you give an article is quantified, it's basically like tipping someone. That idea is as well practised in the UK as the US, so I'm kind of spun out by being able to clap multiple times. For example, last week I read and clapped on two posts of equal value, but I accidentally gave one 3 claps more. Now I'm going to be frowned upon by peers if I don't distribute an even number of claps across all authors whom I follow. OK, maybe I'm being a bit neurotic but without that, what is this modern life all about? ๐Ÿค”
Kyle Richey
Looking good, but I wish the Clap button was in the toolbar instead of a big floating button you have to avoid while scrolling. Seems like putting the icon next to the number of claps would work beautifully.
Ziv Rubin
Medium is my top choice app and website for consuming interesting reading materials. I like the clap thing but I prefer the old logo though.
Renzze Mistal

Overall, still feels the same Medium I've liked since the beginning.


Feels cleaner, especially the homepage where I check interesting articles each day. Also like the clap feature.


None for now

Dre Durr๐Ÿ’ก
I have no idea how I missed this program. What a great way to reward authors! Dope๐Ÿšฌ๐Ÿšฌ
Amrit Aacharya
As an individual I can keep the clap button pressed for 50 claps. On the other hand the heart was just a single click. The logo looks way more corporate-ish :D The Premise of Value to Reader >> Value to Advertisers is easily the most attractive part of this.