Eric Willis

Iris - Visual collaboration mind mapping tool for your ideas

Iris is a combination of task manager and mind-map for more flexible and convenient achievement of your goals. It allows you to constantly visualize the whole picture of your goals, tasks, and ideas.

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James Huang
cool idea and neat product. it looks sort of like a fidget spinner :)
@weiluenhuang 😂thanks, that comment just made my day
Jerre Baumeister
Really cool! But I'm missing info regarding pricing?
@jerrebm it's free! you can start using it right now, just click the button "Get Started for Free" 😉
@jerrebm @fariza_ Great! planning to go paid in future? (just curious)
@ashwinkumar_k @jerrebm we need to steadily get on our feet first, but then yeah, we are going to offer premium and business account for additional payment.
Hi Everyone! ☺️ Remember us? Two month ago we were here on Product Hunt with our iOS app - Iris. ( We've been humbled by the community feedback, we’ve got around 500 upvotes and got featured in Top Hunts Daily. A lot of you were interested in web version of Iris and now we are happy to present it to you. The web version of Iris has a completely new interface in the node-system. It allows you to constantly visualize the whole picture of your goals, tasks and ideas. The new look is a combination of task manager and mind map principles for more flexible and convenient achievement of your goals. So, how can you start? The steps are very simple. Here’s what you can do with Iris: Set a big Goal • Set all your ideas and thoughts into one big Goal. • Break it down into to a smaller tasks and make it simple. • Add mantra to stay motivated Manage your tasks • Interact with nodes • Rebuild them as you like • Mark them as done Track your progress • Each completed task will be added to the whole percentage of your goal Make effective collaboration • Iris can be used for achieving personal as well as team goals • Invite your friends, family, teammates or co-workers • Share notes and comments for more productive work We are working on our product every day and always glad to hear any feedback. The web version is still fresh, so any of your thoughts are very valuable for us.
Sam Rye
Hey @fariza_ interesting approach. I signed up to the web version, but honestly it just seems a bit feature-light at the moment. Main challenges: - I would struggle to use this for any real form of project management, as the logic you use for a 'goal' to be completed doesn't work for me. So, for example I create a central goal of 'improving environmental outcomes' for a project I'm working with. I then create 3 branches, which are prototypes to respond to 3 discreet sets of challenges I've observed working with them. I then create a set of tasks for each of these 3 prototypes. When I tick off a task, the central goal gets completed by X% which is 1/XX tasks. That's actually not a true reflection of the work that has been completed, unless each bubble = 1 unit. But in reality in a project, each task has a different quantity assigned to it - whether that's hours, difficulty, value or something else. - I can't make any notes about those tasks. I would still need to run an actual task list tool, like Trello, in parallel. - The history panel doesn't log any activity. - The comments icon doesn't seem to do anything. - I don't understand what value the 'Mantra' box provides? It did set me on a path of looking for other visual overview task management tools are out there though, as I tend to default to the 'list view' tools like Trello. I found an interesting one called DropTask ( - I think the level of task integration and project management they've included is really useful, but I actually prefer the mindmap / system map approach where interdependencies are visualised. They also have a neat ability to flick between 'views' so you can also move tasks along a kanban board, or view in a list.Their UI is also very cluttered and has quite a high overhead of learning - I think you've got an opportunity to do something slicker - Todoist meets Iris?
@samrye_enspiral Thanks you've mentioned very good and important points. There's a lot to think about, we still working on some parts and features of our website, that's why it can seem a little inconsistent. 😅 As for Mantra box, we thought that adding mantra to your goal, would help set an intention and reasons on why you are doing it. To stay motivated and maintain a connection to the certain goal you wish to achieve. Right now, we're thinking through this process to make it more useful. We want Iris to help you circle back to the simplistic approach of achieving your goals. That's why we don't want to clutter it with overwhelming functionality, but you're right we do need to add something unique and make our product more flexible. We want to achieve that perfect combination of simple and functional. Thanks a lot again for a valuable feedback, we greatly appreciate it ☺️🤗
The idea is awesome!, and I think it would be so helpful for keeping motivated. My advice is: the interface is a little bit confuse (e.g. The header in the dashboard is not intuitive, I have a 'plus' circled button, the user could not be sure what is the functionality of this button until the user presses it. You could use some tooltips to explain this kind of buttons. And something important from my side, I added a subtask to achieve the main goal, but I am not able to edit the bubble size, for this reason, I cannot read the task text. It would be great If I could edit the size of the bubble in order to read better the text.
@sergioruizdavila Thanks a lot for giving some useful advice!We will definitely work on making interface more intuitive and good idea with the resizing bubble 😉👍🏻 We really appreciate your help.
Erick Barron
So what makes your product better than the other hundred mind mapping apps?
@erickbarron86 Although there are hundreds of tools, only few of them are actually good.. Comparing to those guys we're not here yet, but we will put all the effort to beat them and find our users by meeting their needs.
Eithiriel DeMerè
I'm super curious, but I honestly feel like I didn't learn anything I'd really like to know from the explainer video.
@nikkielizdemere Thanks for your interest ☺️It's more of a concept video..what you would like to see in the explainer?
Eithiriel DeMerè
@fariza_ I'd love to see the visual collaboration mind mapping process.
@nikkielizdemere oh you mean like some sort of mini tutorial with the actual screens of website? :)
Sam Cholera
My thoughts too @nikkielizdemere. This type of application are fantastic when they tick all the boxes. The video, I agree, should have a simple user process and a little less fluff. This project does seem like a lovely tool to use, and am looking forward to diving in a bit further
Eithiriel DeMerè
@sam_cholera I agree. It's mostly fluff.
Didar Mussakhanov
Great product, pretty useful and beautiful
@didar1994 thanks for your feedback!
Mihail  Levin
Great! But, hyperlink's in app is not working :(
@mihail_levin yep 😅 we're working on it, it will be fixed very soon
Pascal Vuylsteker
The concept looks promising (task sharing), but I am afraid the realisation in term of collaborative Mind mapping seems quite far behind Coggle got us used to ( )
@pvk thanks for sharing your thoughts, there are no doubts, we have a big journey ahead of us to become better and bigger, but we're here for that and waiting to beat the all odds ;)
Joji Thumma
OMG, This is fantastic. Been looking for sort of product for long time.
@jojithumma glad you're enjoying it ☺️
Gregor B. Rosenauer
Looks like a good mix between mind mapping and task management, like the simple UI and that it's free 😉 mobile app would be cool though or make the web site more responsive 😉
Rui Parada
Love this Product! Help me mind mapping all my projects! I think need some updates, visual updates... Where can I change visual stuff? Thanks and keep the good work!
Hi @ruiparada ☺️thanks for the feedback! Changing visual stuff, colors will be available very soon.
Ben Greenwood
There's a lot which needs doing and tbh I'm not sure if I would even switch to using a web based mindmap instead of a mac app. I personally don't like the font that has been used overall. On the upside the fundamentals are there now it's about improving and having other features that no other tool has.
Thanks for the feedback @bengreenwood! We've corrected the font 😉
It's smith I was thinking about! Thx
@t0ha666 thanks for feedback 😉
Isobel Rivera-Dumont

It redirect me to a bunch of popup offering me money


seams awesome but


It's seams their website as being hacked ?

Mike T
I can't seem to signup! Every time I click Login/Signup on your homepage, I momentarily see the form but then it immediately snaps back out. I'm on Mac Chromium 57.
Thanks for sharing, @mtimofiiv. Soon there will be an update with all bugs fixed. Stay tuned.
Christopher G
Based on the video, which has no actual content, I'll pass
I really like the design but I have just one problem, do "Iris" will be a software in local Windows ? I say that because I search that since a long time and I don't find a mind mapping with a good design (like "Iris" ) and to be a Software only in local
Edwin Reynoso
Please change "How It Works" video button to "Watch Video" until you guys make a video that actually shows how it works. 😉