Clark Valberg

InVision Studio Platform - An early look at our new App Store, Asset Library, Open API

Be the first to create apps that supercharge the Studio experience.

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Clark Valberg
Clark from InVision here. I’m excited to tell you about the next big milestone for the InVision Studio Platform—a new app store, asset library, and open API. The app store lets you seamlessly connect Studio to the design, productivity, and collaboration tools you and your team use every day. Our asset library is the best place to get ui kits, components, icons, and typography—everything you need to take your screen designs to exciting new places. Our mission is to give every designer in the world access to the most seamless digital product design workflow ever created. We’re kicking off this announcement with an all-star group of partners, including Atlassian, Google, Salesforce, UserTesting, Getty Images, Dribbble, and many, many more to come very soon! Join us and become a Studio partner by signing up for our Maker Program. Don’t have Studio yet? Get access now!
Pablo Stanley
@clarkvalberg So pumped to see all the amazing stuff that the community of makers will create—infinite possibilities!
Ben Michel
@clarkvalberg @pablostanley absolutely! The incredible value of this platform will be continually unlocked as more and more amazing makers make it their own and build things that drive the design community forward. This ecosystem belongs to everyone! 🙌
Marek Rycerski
@clarkvalberg looks great! 👏 when we will be able to test it in the beta? 🚀
Shreyaa Ratra
@clarkvalberg Would love to check it out.How are you planning to reach out to users/companies ?
I Design Websites

Very sad to see that Invision - once a really great company, currently focuses more on marketing than on actually delivering something. Tons of promises never fulfilled. I'm especially disappointed that after long wait and poorly handled delay the invitation I received was Mac only. Despite the initial promises the Windows users were ignored again.


Potentially, could be great


No Windows version, delays and poor communication from Invision

Kris Puckett
Hey! I'm Kris with InVision. Bummed to read that. Obviously we’ve let you down somewhere along the way. We are so excited about Studio and are working like crazy to get the Windows version in your hands. Happy to chat 1-1 to hear more about your frustrations.
Stephen Olmstead
Hey there- so sorry to hear you feel this way! The Windows version of Studio is still on its way and will be entering early access mode alongside the Mac version as soon as we are able. Transparent shop talk: One of the most difficult parts about building products is being faced with priority decisions. Delaying our Windows launch slightly is one of those tough decisions that stings but one that we ultimately made for the benefit of all users in the long haul (especially Windows users). The quickest way to get to a critical path, optimized, daily-driver experience is to nail the platform where we have the highest % of day-to-day users at the moment (which happens to be Mac). The good news is that based on our tech stack choices the platform experience scales incredibly well cross-platform. Mac also happens to have a lower set of configuration permutations (there's a more finite set of machine models) so it makes ruling out issues based on unique configurations a lot easier. This means that a razor focus up front on Mac ensures overall platform success and a much tighter Windows experience when we officially open up that build as well. So while the delay here may seem counter-intuitive its actually been made in the spirit of fast track our dev cycles there. Totally get that its still a bummer, but hoping some context here is helpful. Thanks for hanging in there! I'd really love the opportunity to connect with you one-on-one to dig deeper and make sure we're communicating and delivering for you! I'd love it if you would hit me up: stephen[at] so we can chat a bit more. Thanks!
Emad Alghamdi
Exactly. Why even say that the early access has both windows and mac then once you're in "after a long wait" the windows download is disabled. You could say that from the beginning. But again, marketing. Anyway Adobe XD all the way; Less marketing from their team while over delivering.
So. Much. Bluster. Also, btw, the core product that got them here, prototyping, hasn't had a meaninful update in, I dunno, 4 years? 3 years? It's still just gluing together PNGs with arbitrarily drawn hotspots. I'm with you, I used to be a _huge_ fan, but blah. Invision seems to be a brand more than a product company, and I don't need another brand in my life.
Ryan Hoover
Everyone's building an App Store! (I know, hyperbole, but not long ago Intercom announced their Messenger platform) This makes even more sense why InVision started a $5M fund to invest in design tools.
Clark Valberg
@rrhoover Bingo

So many things happen to invision right now still, windows get left behind, I got excited about the "Studio" thing, but losing interest as I patiently waiting. And here is another one, how are we going to catch up, if we cant even have a single try?

Where's justice and diversity? lol ✌️ Just kidding :)


Apple OS Users, Design & Rejoice!


Windows Users, Enjoy Watching!

John Traver
Congrats Clark!
Clark Valberg
@_johntraver Thanks John!
Adelle Charles
Congrats Clark & team!
Donny Harding
I love using InVision and I will be excited to explore the App Store on my next project.
Jeremy Bauer
Dang, this looks great 🔥✨✨✨
Nachum Kligman
More Awesomeness! Don't know how they do it!
Vikas Ranjan
Invision Studio has this strange issue which renders strange dashed lines on the text. I informed about it in the first release itself (and a bunch of other issues) and it's still not fixed. Not sure how they expect people to adapt it despite having this big problem. The whole thing seems bizarre for a company like InVision.
Fabio Prati
Hi! The new app store within Studio looks inspiring and promising... just great! You're building a giant, I think it's natural to have some flaws here and there. Hope you'll manage to address them soon so Studio may really shine and unleash its full potential! IMO it feels like the main and only Sketch challenger at this moment!
Michael Ellis
I knew this had to be coming but still very excited to hear some news about it. Can't wait to get my hands on it!
M Snyder

Love the idea of no longer shifting back and forth from my browser to Studio. I've signed up for the early developer access :)


Excited about having easy access to outside data and assets while designing


Could add clutter and complexity, versioning issues

Joe Anderson
Is there a link to more info/docs on the open api?
Paul Knittel
Kinda disappointing how something like this announced so big, but as a user you can't actually get access to it yet (yes even with access to the beta preview). Btw that's totally fine but not if it's promoted & marketed like it already exists. Just my 2 cents. Looking forward to see how this can compete with the vibrant Sketch community of plugins.
Daniel Roger Casanova
Hello, will invision ever have functionality of making app prototypes to real code like is doing?
Jaanus Jagomägi

Really looking forward to switching over from sketch, but unfortunately can't until there is a symbol and style system.


ALMOST feature parity with sketch

Innovative approach

Super simple interaction design - no Adobe AE needed anymore


Minor performance issues

Can't switch over from sketch until there is comparable symbol / style sytem

Markus Hafellner
Sorry to be a downer but all this new shiny functionality doesn't matter if it's only for Mac users. For Windows you are living the mantra "over promise and under deliver". Was hoping that Invision finally is a company that recognizes that not every person working with designs/prototypes is working on Mac.
Pros: I don't know,I'm windows user Cons: I don't know,I'm windows user
Jake Tran
Where's Window version? ;(