Emilia Vicini

What's your superpower? And who is your archnemesis?

My superpower is my multitaskinator drive 🐙 Sometimes I see myself like Jim Carrey, answering email prayers in 'Bruce Almighty'. Definitely my worst villain will be the procrastinator, people leaving tasks for the last minute!

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Olivier Côté
I'm infinite relentlessness like John Wick’s in his quest to revenge is dog 🐶 I fear people who give up to easily...
Sebastian Varga
Superpower: Understanding abstract concepts with having only fragmented information Archnemesis: Describing technology in a concise and brief way...
Shajedul Karim
and my superpower? the art of stillness in a world of noise. it's where ideas whisper. archnemesis? doubt's echo. but like every shadow, it vanishes with the right light.