Marissa Leon

Hello Product Hunt Community


My name is Marissa Leon. I'm a trained corporate and transactional lawyer with over 7 years of experience. I have guided dozens of tech companies through financings and acquisitions in the U.S., Europe and Latin America. I recently quit my job at an international law firm to solve a very niche problem for companies going through the process of due diligence in a venture financing or acquisition. Companies being acquired or raising a financing round are asked to produce every piece of company information and contract under the sun. This process is distracting, costly and resource intensive for a company. I'm using generative AI to solve this problem by extracting and analyzing the key terms in contracts in minutes. I have an MVP that I will be launching on here soon to validate my idea, but for now I'm looking to learn about and contribute to this wonderful community. One fun fact about me is that for the last 7 years I tracked how I spent all of my time in 6 minute increments (6 minutes = 0.1 of an hour). It sounds crazy but it's helped me become a disciplined person in my personal life. I go on 0.5 minute runs every morning, 0.8 SoulCycle spins every afternoon and 1.0 walks with my bernedoodle every day. Please say hello or reach out if you have questions about the legal industry. Best, Marissa

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Robert Vitonsky
Hi, sounds interesting about time tracking. How you do it? I mean, you sets up an alarm for every 6 minutes or how it work for you?
Marissa Leon
@vitonsky Lawyers at certain law firms use software like Intapp to track their time, but personally I use a timer that I start and stop when I'm working on something and then track the time in 6 minute increments in Toggl.
Gurkaran Singh
Hey Marissa, diving into legal docs like searching for code bugs - meticulous work! Your time-tracking precision puts even tech algorithms to shame - must be the secret sauce to your legal wizardry!
Igor Lysenko
Hello! You told about yourself in great detail))