Frank Hald

interestinsights v2 - Become a Facebook marketing expert in no time

interestinsights will find you thousands of Facebook™ interests that you can target in your campaigns and reduce costs to reach a more relevant audience.
Saves you 5+ hours per week as a Facebook advertiser.

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Peter Baroš
As someone who deals with social media marketing I can say that anything that makes targeting FB audience easier is a welcome change :) Good luck
Frank Hald
@peter_baros Thank you! With iOS 14 making it harder to retarget iPhone users, we have to find alternatives. One alternative, is to create an audience of people of have watched our videos on Facebook, no matter what device they use. But it's pretty tiresome having to add videos to the audience, every time we upload a new video. Our Video Audiences feature automatically adds videos to an audience, without having to touch a finger again! 😎
Mai Lan
Will definitely try this out!
Frank Hald
@mailan Thank you Mai, hope you like it! If you encounters any questions, let me know :-)
Mai Lan
@frank_hald2 I just launched my application on Product Hunt too, will be great if you can come and give it a try!!!
Frank Hald
Hi Product Hunt 👋 My name is Frank, the creator of interestinsights, and I am very excited to share these latest updates with you! With the help from +10K beta users and their feedback, we are launching interestinsights v2 🚀 A new user friendly design and new features like: - Search for multiple keywords - Add suggestions for searches as keywords - Create layers for saved projects - Copy and export individual layers Since the initial launch of interestinsights, have received a lot of feedback, resulting in this new design, to optimize the workflow for Facebook advertisers, save time in the advertisers daily tasks. We launched almost 2 years ago, in a period where we have had the pleasure of introducing our platform to more than 10.000 individuals, a tremendous ride with more than 145.000 searches, 17.900.000 hidden interests found and analyzed more than 60.000 videos. If you are unfamiliar with interestinsights, it gives every Facebook™ advertisers access to all the great Facebook™ interests that can be difficult to find. Facebook shows the same 25 interests on the same search every time, so as an advertiser, you are shown the same interests as your competitors. Without hours of research, most of the good interests seems hidden, but with interestinsights, all the interests will be shown at once, and faster. Additionally do we have videos insights, that analyzes and compare your Facebook videos across multiple pages so you can make better videos for your audience and improve your audience retention. Furthermore do we have Group alerts for you to track keywords in Facebook groups and notify you when your keywords are mentioned, so you can turn group members into customers. All this for free during our beta phase 😎 Beta users who sign up now, will get 3 months for free when the beta ends by the end of this fall 👏
Felicitas Hilge
Congrats on the launch! I'm excited to try out your product as targeting is usually the most stressful part of FB ads ;)
Frank Hald
@felicitashilge Thank you Felicitas -- hope you like it, and makes the targeting at least a little less stressful! :-)
Anton Ross
Great! iOS 14 has severely limited the capabilities of the target. We will try it in our project
Frank Hald
@rosssaris Exactly, it's been a challenge with the iOS 14 update, and we have to find new alternatives. One alternative, is to create an audience of people of have watched our videos on Facebook, no matter what device they use. But it's pretty tiresome having to add videos to the audience, every time we upload a new video. Our Video Audiences feature automatically adds videos to an audience, without having to lift a finger again! 👨‍💻
Ashley Porciuncula
This is awesome! Congratulations guys
Frank Hald
@ashleymarinep Thank you very much Ashley 👋
Frank Hald
@jonathanroberts34 The Facebook API :-)
Steve Procter
looks very interesting and useful. I am interim cofounder for a couple of clients who could use this. I will get them to try it.
Frank Hald
@steveprocter Thank you Steve -- that's awesome!
Colin Parr
it is web based, so it can run on any device right?
Frank Hald
@colinparr exactly, any device you can think of!