Frank Hald

Automated Facebook™ Audiences - Retargeting without having to worry about iOS 14

Automatically adding people to a custom audience based on how much interest they show in your videos. Retarget your already engaged audience, automatically, in less than two minutes.

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Alexander Spoor
Hi Frank 👋 Looks very promising! Does this also work with Instagram videos and if not, is that in the pipeline by any chance?
Frank Hald
@alexanderspoor Not yet -- but it's in the pipeline, as in: I'm currently working on it!
Frank Hald
Hello fellow makers 👋 I’m creator of interestinsights, Frank, and I’m really excited to share Video Audience with you! TL;DR: Problem iOS 14 makes it harder to find the right audience to target. Facebooks custom audiences with videos, kind of solves this, but when you add a new video to your page, you manually have to add the video to your audience — EVERY TIME you add a new video. Solution Video Audience automates your Facebook Ads custom audiences with videos as a source. Once you have created your audience, we automatically update your it when you upload a new video to you Facebook page. How does this affect you? If you are a Facebook™ marketeer, you will definitely have spend a lot of time worrying about the latest iOS 14 update, and seen that it has affected the performance of your ads on Facebook™. With Video Audience, you will never have to worry about iOS 14 again, you will have more time to create your ads or anything else, and you will get a more engaged audience to retarget, then you have had before. My story As every other advertiser, I was very nervous about the iOS 14 update, since most of my traffic was from iPhone users, I didn’t know how my ads would be affected by the update, and how fast I would see changes. As a preparation and a workaround for Facebook Pixel, I figured out that I could embed a Facebook video on each of my pages, and then hope that my visitors would watch the videos. Then I could create a custom audience, with each of those videos, and retarget for the pages, that the visitors had been on. In theory it was a little odd idea, and the visitors would have to watch the videos for at least 3 seconds, to have any effect, and they would have to be logged in with their Facebook account. But that actually worked. Not as well as Pixel, but the conversion rate wasn’t that bad, but the audience size was very small. That sparked an idea in my head, what if I could just use the people who had watched my videos on Facebook as audience, since most of my customer would have at least visited my Facebook page once. I hadn’t experienced much with custom audiences with videos, but read that some people had used it as a workaround for the iOS 14 update. On one of my pages I don’t have that many videos, so I decided to try it on that. It worked surprisingly well, and my theory for the success, was that I could set for how long the viewers had watched my videos, so the longer they had watched the videos, the greater the conversion, but the audience size however, would also be reduced. While custom audiences are great, it is a pain to maintain. Even on the page I tested, I didn’t have that many videos, and only uploaded once a week, but still it was annoying, because I had to add the new videos every time. I reached out to some agencies and questioned them about the use of custom audiences, and most haven’t used or, or heard about it. Those who had tried it, had the same experience as myself, and with 100s of clients and uploading 1000s of videos to multiple pages a week, it was to great of a workload to maintain and use professionally. As a developer, I saw an opportunity, and turns out it was possible to automate this process of updating the audience with every new video. If there is one thing I love, it’s automation, and create free time for myself. Try it out and free up some of your own time while is still free in beta ⏳💸 Beta users who sign up now, will get 3 months for free when the beta ends by the end of this fall 👏