Neeraj Thakur

Journaly - The customisable journal app


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Shashwat Pradhan
Update: Journaly is now available for iOS, Android & MacOS with a cloud sync available.. Hello Product Hunt! I have been journaling various things like my mood and calories since the past few months. An unorganised notes app is generally the solution since Journaling apps lack the flexibility. We created Journaly so that users could add self-survey questions, for example ‘How many cups of coffee did I drink today’, ‘What was my mood like’ or ‘Things I ate today’. This allows users to journal immeasurable things like habits and personal interactions. We are trying to improve active self-tracking with Journaly. Looking forward for your feedback. (We have an introductory 25% off) Update! We are featured on the Mac App Store 🙌 Also available on for the iPhone on the App Store:
Scott Entwistle
@shashwatpradhan Hey Shashwat, the app definitely looks really good on the site. However, have you thought about a freemium type model? Or at least a free trial? Dropping 15 dollars on something I haven't even tried and know I like is a hard proposition for me. A 2 week free trial would be a world of difference in terms of easing into the product and getting comfortable spending money!
Shashwat Pradhan
@scawtent we are figuring that part out. Currently I tell users to get it, then refund on it if they are not satisfied. (Trial software has lots of piracy to be handled)
Scott Entwistle
@shashwatpradhan Understood! Looks like while thinking about it it rose to 20 dollars in the app store :')
Shashwat Pradhan
@scawtent the app will be finally $25 after our next major update. You can get it before that 😄
Scott Entwistle
@shashwatpradhan haha true. But dropping $20 bucks on unseen software isn't something I'm comfortable with. Particularly because someone else here mentioned that it was more like a .05 release than a 1.0. Sorry, and best of luck with the ongoing development!
Dinesh Seemakurty
Seems like a lot of work to replicate the journal app DayOne. What do you see as the primary differences?
Shashwat Pradhan
@dseemakurty hi Dinesh, that's definitely not what we are aiming for. We created Journaly to offer flexibility to users. We let users add there custom self-survey questions for example ‘How many cups of coffee did I drink today’, ‘What was my mood like’ or ‘Things I ate today’. Being a Quantified Self enthusiast myself, I find it useful to log my mood and food everyday. You can also export your data/back it up on iCloud with Journaly.
Adrian Herritt
@shashwatpradhan @dseemakurty Although I use DayOne myself, as @kkkosariya says below - it would be useful to track and integrate Reporter App-like data. It seems like the main difference between DayOne and Journaly is that Journaly has a sidebar for emoji's and lists, no?
Shashwat Pradhan
@adrianherritt @dseemakurty @kkkosariya it already does that, you can add custom self-surveys. We also let users export their data file & backup to iCloud.
Harsh Rajat
So is it like my personal diary? How is the self-tracking like?
Shashwat Pradhan
@harshrajat yes it is a journal with customisable fields which you can add based on what you want to track- mood, health, food, moments, etc
Wade Armstrong
@shashwatpradhan @harshrajat It's nice that you have some customizable fields, but 10 is a pretty small number to offer. It's also surprising that you don't offer any field types other than "very short snippet of text, and we don't wrap the line so it had really better be quite short." It's very pretty, but seems much more like an 0.5 than a 1.0 version. I look forward to see how it grows!
Shashwat Pradhan
@kaizendad hi Wade, how many fields would you like? Also, what field types would you like?
Wade Armstrong
@shashwatpradhan I'd kind of like unlimited fields. I wouldn't use very many, but I'm not sure I want a hard limit (although I can see the benefit of having one). Field types would be: * Drop-down, like the smileys you have, but for other things that I establish * Free-text at length, so I can have a prompt like "What did you do before lunch today?"
Kamal Kant
looks promising. But will be more cool if it can track some things automatically from my phone & mac & add it in my day's journal.
Shashwat Pradhan
@kkkosariya hi Kamal, we are already automatically tracking weather & places. We are working on an iOS version which will integrate some of Instant's automatic tracking features. We will also have a sync between the iOS and Mac version.
Shashwat Pradhan
Here is the story behind why we built Journaly:
Mariana Salcido
Shashwat Pradhan
A combination of active & passive Quantified Self tracking
Mark Savchuk
Seems pretty useful currently on google keep and trello (they more or less do their job)
Shashwat Pradhan
@savchukmark thanks for the feedback Mark!
S-M Robinson
Do you have a video of it in action?
Shashwat Pradhan
@sunoxen not atm, we are working on one. You can see detailed screens here tho:
Shashwat Pradhan
@sunoxen Hi, we just released a demo video so you can take a look at the app more carefully:
We are also on 30% off!
Pranav Pamidigantam
Great! I used some of your other apps on Android and enthuse in Quantified Self as well. I like the idea of daily personal surveys. I hope this comes to Android/web soon so I can use it on my platforms!
Shashwat Pradhan
@thepranavigator hey Pranav, that sounds great! We will be coming to Android after iOS, definitely on the roadmap. Meanwhile for automatic passive tracking you can use Instant
Joshua Dance
How is this similar and different to Day One?
Shashwat Pradhan
@joshdance hi Joshua, we cover more or less all of Day One's functionality. We have custom fields that the user can add customise. We have mood logging. We also allow our users to export their backup as a file or even on iCloud.
Shashwat Pradhan
@joshdance Hi, we just released a demo video so you can take a look at the app more carefully:
We are also on 30% off!
Benny Lewis
Hey there @shashwatpradhan love this concept! Is this available on the iPad? I see an iPhone version I can install on my iPad, but not a dedicated iPad version. Normally I wouldn't ask, but the link here on PH suggests iPad. Seems like an app that would be ideal for tablets with Bluetooth keyboard attached. I'd also be just as interested in Android tablet functionality (Google Play version says "designed for phones" on my Pixel C). Thanks!
Shashwat Pradhan
@irishpolyglot we currently have an iPhone version only. iPad is on our roadmap. Android tablets are much smaller in number so we didn't focus on them. That being said, it will still work on it well giving you customization and complete privacy.