WOW. This is a big change to Instagram, obviously very Snapchat-inspired (see @caseynewton's article).
Instagram has always been about sharing your "best self" with its highly curated feed of filtered photos. Instagram stories is intended to be frequent and less edited, more of a communication tool.
Eager to play around with this later today.
I'm interested to see how the two communities play out here - like you said Instagram has a lot of 'artier' photos whereas Snapchat was supposed to be off-the-cuff.
Both seem to be muddying those lines
And at what point does everything we consume become a daily vlog?!
@bentossell@rrhoover@caseynewton Then again, Snapchat released Memories, allowing for higher quality content to be published and shared from the Camera Roll. I've already noticed photographers and artists I follow to treat it more like a portfolio.
"My thesis is a story is a slideshow format, just like when Facebook invented the [News] Feed, and every social product was like, ‘That’s an innovation, how do we adapt that to our network?’ You’re going to see stories pop up in other networks over time, because it’s one of the best ways to show visual information in chronological order." Really interesting comment from Kevin Systrom!
Some initial thoughts after playing with Instagram Stories:
- Social graph is already there - you can see stories right away without following anyone new
- Unlike Snapchat, you don't have to follow public accounts to view their stories
- Lots of room for account discovery, which Snapchat is currently lacking
- The camera UI/creation experience is far better on Snapchat. Here's what's missing on Instagram:
* Selfie lenses
* Geofilters
* Bitmoji
* Emoji
* Stickers
* Time selection
* Option to send to specific ppl
- Too many steps to create a story on Instagram, whereas Snapchat opens straight to the camera
- Most of my photos exist solely in Snapchat Memories, so I can't post them to Instagram without saving to camera roll first
Instagram Stories won't replace Snapchat. After the initial hype, it'll mostly be used by brands and public figures. I'm excited to see how it evolves, though - especially the discovery aspect.
Attempt #23429 of Facebook trying to emulate Snapchat. How about instead of cloning a social network (we saw how that worked out for Google+), you create unique offerings? I'm willing to bet these constant attempts are just Zuckerberg bitter at Spiegel rejecting his takeover offer and taking it personal. Wouldn't put it past him.
It looks interesting, but the beauty of Instagram pictures is one thing that I love about the service. Why Instagram decide to do this?
I mean, what did they take into consideration to make such a drastic change?
@rui This is happening too frequently now. Twitter was live action, now it's same as Facebook. Instagram was pictures, now it's Snapchat. I think they are all looking for bigger audience (income) and specialized apps —sadly— are not getting there.
As an instagram user I think this will fail and seriously I hope it will. I don't need another "Snapchat" app on my phone. Instagram was supposed to be nice photo sharing community and obviously after Facebook bought it, it turns out to be something completely different.
How this story thing will benefit professional photographers and filmmakers? The only benefit this will have is for the companies that from now on, will spam us with content.
Instagram is focusing on making a snapchat rip-off in their app while they still don't have an official iPad app, like wtf.
The next feature that they will add is going to be LIVE? lol.
Most likely Instagram is trying to embed the habit of ephemeral storytelling into its public; instead of actually dreaming of snatching Snapchat users, which is borderline impossible; far two distinct ecosystems.
Considerations and technicalities apart, I'll just say it here straight, up: unashamedly and blatantly copied, to the UX dot.
This makes the whole thing impossible to be appreciated without its proper context, and that would Facebook trying to acquire Snapchat twice, failing and then coming up with Stories.
Their luck (and also their safety) is that they are embedding a clear-Snapchat functionality into an already popular app that can actually survive its potentially quick demise.
Had they tried launching a solo app, that would have been totally ignorable.
I see Stories more like a grumpy statement (over the botched acquisition) than a real competitor. Plugging functionality in is A LOT different than importing a whole ecosystem.
It will be interesting to see how this goes.. down.
I think this is a rather smart move from Instagram. Most 24-35 people I know are reluctant to add an additional photo app (Snapchat) to their arsenal, saying they don't need more of the same functionality. This way they'll get introduced to a different way of communicating, which is good.
However, educating their users may result in turning them towards Snapchat later if their stories feature will be inferior.
As someone who uses Instagram a ton I have to say I love this feature, no more people screenshotting notes just to post a text update. We can finally connect with our community in a casual environment within the app, I hope it stays well received!
-insert knee-jerk reaction. Include baseless prediction. Attempt to back up baseless prediction with pseudo-scientific and psychological claims, despite lack of real knowledge. Add salty, judgemental tone. Crawl back under rock.-
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