Instagram is a simple way to capture and share the world’s moments. Follow your friends and family to see what they’re up to, and discover accounts from all over the world
@rrhoover@ianspalter@zkahn94@mikeyk Actually much more representative of what the app does. It somehow communicates the photo taking, filter applying process simply through that transition of colors across the icon. Good stuff. Guess I should read the backstory!
@rrhoover Aw man, their old icon was so.. iconic.
I feel like 2016 is the year that all of our musicians die, and that all of our favourite apps change their logos to match their brand evolution. First Medium, then uber, then Piped Piper (AGAIN) and now Instagram. Twitter will be up next.
I swear, it takes me 5 minutes just to find the uber app icon these days. I still look for the little ubiquitous u.
Ryan, thanks for sharing the backstory post. The aspect I found most interesting is how the redesign gave the Instagram team the cover to simplify the interface and interactions.
In Ian's words, "As we reduced color and noise in the UI, we saw interaction patterns that no longer felt native on iOS and Android devices. By paring down the new interactions and using standard iOS and Android components, fonts, and patterns, people will be navigating familiar terrain."
@rossdcurrie awesome statement - exactly what is happening
Imagine Nike would have overhauled the swoosh every time they felt they have outgrown their past "being".
Uber and Instagram logo overhauls both feel as forced as Yahoos as if they need to justify the new design relevant hires. You can change your CI without totally abandoning your visual roots ,especially in regards of such an iconic logo instagram has.
@calc@rrhoover@ianspalter@zkahn94@mikeyk There's no defense of the old uber icon though, it was turbs. The new one is much more pleasing to the eye, but I don't generally believe in "communicating a brand" through an icon past a surface level.
@bentossell so much work,so much documentation to end up in a generic iOS7-esque icon.
This appears to be design for designers - the user will not be interested in understanding nor knowing about why there is such vibrant yellows mixed with blues and reds - though designers will be all over it interpreting and justifying it. The user, however, will just see a generic rounded corner square with two circles appearing to be 2 years too late.
I am not sure if any design research out of the building took place here as I simply could not imagine that non one mentioned something like "I think I saw it before on fiverr or somewhere" or "Is this the iOS 7 cam icon?" or "Is this a new cam app?"
@andmitsch im not a designer, just a user - and I like it. Maybe Im not massively fussed on what the story behind it was - but I dont think I need to be
@bentossell Of course, you can like it. I didn't want to imply that this is inferior in terms of visual aesthetics, I just pointed out the mass of effort that went into this to ultimately end up in an aesthetic that is pretty old and generic, to be honest.
However, this does not mean this output is inferior in terms of a potential outcome, it just means there is a lot of justification going on in this video for such an unexciting output (there is no outcome evaluation yet). Contrary to AirBnBs overhaul which was quite top-notch even though inspired "heavily".
I'm with @andmitsch on this. It seems like a stock icon that someone could buy. I'm pretty sure there is a backstory to it but I don't think users will care for that.
I'm certain that people will keep using Instagram because mostly, they don't care about the logo anymore so I don't think this new design will affect anything on Instagram's side of the game.
@sekodev Agree - this will not influence the usage volume at all, but this now looks like a generic cam app icon, whilst the instagram icon is legendary iconic, reputable and totally distinguishable.
I just imagined a socialmedia/sharing icon bar and there is the twitter bird, the facebook F, then there is... a cam icon. Wait, does that mean I send it to my cam? Is this sending a photo? Looks like any other cam app icon. So it might influence the CTRs on pages who link to their instagram account as some users will not identify the new icon without additional descriptive text.
In other words, just too little distinction to identify it as instagram as the common user does not appreciate a certain curving or can even distinguish between rounded corner 8pt or 10pt.
The interface and the icon are very generic. I can barely understand it's a camera. I know that Instagram is more about seeing a less about taking photos, but still, I liked the old vibe. Moreover the gradient in my opinion is too strong.
And, already I'm seeing the complainers complaining all over Facebook and Twitter. I like it. The old logo and look really was a bit long in the tooth.
And to the complainers, I would say, wait a few weeks, you'll have forgotten all about the old look by then.
Aside that I don't think a logo update and very slight redesign earns a "huntable product" nod, I have to say I don't like the logo. To me it actually looks devoid of branding. The old logo was ok, and most likely could have stood an update. Don't like the new one.
The logo change would take some time to get familiar with because the old icon was really iconic. But the interface looks awesome, especially on web, since it puts even more focus on the content. Very elegant design, indeed.
Both Instagram's logo and app were in need of a re-design. The app seems cool, but that logo... In my opinion they turned one of the most recognizable and unique logos into a quite generic one. The only non-generic part, the color palette, would probably be the worst in the logo, though!
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