
Inside VR & AR - A highly curated newsletter about VR & AR


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Hey everyone, here's the latest newsletter from Inside.com... [ INSIDE VR & AR ] I'll be here answering any questions you might have about Inside.com, startups, life, etc. -- ask me anything! Also, we're giving away an Oculus Rift – enter to win here: http://contest.inside.com/giveaw...
Joseph Krahn
@jason I enjoy the LAUNCH Ticker, thank you. :) How is the monetization effort going for your newsletters?
@shilorune We are experimenting with text and animated gif-based ads in the newsletters. LAUNCH Ticker has ~$100k from ~1,000 paid subscribers a year as well as $5k a week in ad inventory (or $250k a year if we sold out). I think we can sell half the inventory so, it's a $200-250k a year product, which means it will break even with two or three full-time folks. If we can hit 10,000 subs on a vertical newsletter we can make it into a small business. We need 100 of them to make it big business!
Clark Valberg
@jason This is great -- I literally ready every single word of ever single edition of LAUNCH Ticker.
@clarkvalberg high praise coming from you! :-)
Dan Flanegan
Great to see VR & AR as the next Inside.con newsletter. Great work from @Jason, Austin and team!
@dflanegan thanks pal... what vertical newsletter should we do next?
Dan Flanegan
@jason short list: #1 - AI (bots, pers assistants, etc) Leaning this way due to all the recent hype and real work being done. Also co-founded a co in the space, so a personal interest. #2 San Francisco / Silicon Valley issues re: politics, housing, transportation, employment, crime (gotta build the platform for that mayoral run) This 2nd one is the gutsy one. Gotta have some balls to take this on, but highly valuable.
@dflanegan We are thinking about doing Inside San Francisco or Inside Oakland for sure... the local news stuff is interesting but the issue is they are much lower CPM (i.e. local businesses vs. huge tech platforms). We will do one as a test at some point in 2016 I'm sure!
Dan Flanegan
@jason makes sense. If not Inside, someone outside traditional SF/Bay Area media should focus on this. Maybe the next question... what topics should you definitely NOT do ;-)
Amitt Mahajan
This is particularly useful for us, thanks for putting it together! What's the best way to contribute content back to these tickers?
Austin Smith
@amittm Just hit reply on any email you get from Inside. We read and appreciate all of them!
@awwstn @amittm yeah, hit reply and it goes to the entire team.
Ruchir Punjabi
The Launch Ticker is one of the best newsletters I get in my mailbox. I'm excited about this! I would also love one on the Internet of Things given quite a bit of the launch ticker has IoT content.
@ruchir_p IoT is on our list of potential next newsletters.... we need to find passionate writers to put 20-40 hours a week into two emails to get these things done (well).
Pat Khunachak
Just what the community needed! Love it!
Ayush Neupane
Was looking for something similar. Thank you @jason and the Inside team!
VR & AR will shape our future. Great to have a weekly dose of such news right to my inbox!
Josh Kelly
I love Inside and the Launch Ticker. Now Inside VR & AR to help with my ongoing research is phenomenal. Thank you Inside team and @Jason for the pure hustle.
Ray Hernandez
Congrats guys! Glad to see verticals are really taking off. I still read them everyday, and look forward to you & @lons click roulette. :)
@raydawg88 @lons thanks pal! we miss you!
Justin Gough
Thanks for launching another inside newsletter. The Launch Ticker and Inside daily brief are reque cy of the Tesla newsletter is just right. Can't wait to try another one and to have all my news pushed to my email!
@justingough Thanks! I think people will ultimately subscribe to 2-3 of our newsletters!
Ovi Negrean
Wow. Cool! How often will you send the newsletter? Will it also be daily?
Justin Gough
@ovinegrean the Tesla newsletter is twice a week. It's the right amount to keep each message filled with content. Although I can't find how often this will be sent out.
Austin Smith
@justingough @ovinegrean This one is 2x/week right now. There's TONS of news in VR/AR, so maybe sooner or later we'll up it to 3x (or 2x + occasional breaking news)
@jason: This hits the sweet spot for me, congrats on what I'm sure will be a great newsletter. Q: Which applications or focuses of new vr/ar companies are you most intrigued by (investment-wise)?
@tweetsbyilia i'm really interested in VR/AR experiences in the educational space. I think learning how to play golf or do brain surgery without losing balls or killing people is going to be the next frontier!
Mark Pesce
Perfect timing! But then, I would say that... ;)
Neil Stanley
I love inside.com already and it's just great they have a new email on one of the key topics in tech today
Daniel F Lopes
I like these specialized newsletters. I'm curious if the PH community knows any others for other topics as EV, AI, Drones, etc ?
Austin Smith
@danflopes For EV, we have Inside Tesla (which covers tons of EV stuff): http://tesla.inside.com For AI and Drones, ping me if you want to be in the private betas as we roll those ones out: a@inside.com
@danflopes Drones, Security and AI are on our short list of email newsletters... we really need a way for the community to tell us what to do next.
Michael Ramirez
My virtual mustache is tingling..
Awesome - subscribed thanks for doing this.
Bradford Malt
Nice! Been filming w the Nokia Ozo for a month now around the world and am excited for the possibilities of this tech!
Angela Gyetvan
Very timely. Thanks for doing this.
Matt Griswold
the Launch email has become a staple of my day - so, this is great news. Thanks!