Sébastien Le Roy

In Cohorts We Trust - A straightforward template to build cohorts for marketplaces

In Cohorts We Trust is a simple and straightforward template to build your cohorts.

Do users really love your product? Plug your raw data into our model and you'll know if users do. We did our best to make it as easy as saying "Hello".

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Eric Gossart
Hi Hunters 👋   Long story short, Sébastien and I are VCs in Paris and we really love going beyond metrics on product usage.   Cohort analysis is definitely the best way to know if your users love your product 🐬   It not only gives you the means to measure how much users really love your product but also how to develop your revenue model.   But it still remains a real hassle to efficiently translate raw data into a proper cohort analysis.   After spending some nights 🔥 on digging into metrics for building proper cohorts, we decided to improve our life (& the quality of our sleep) and go 90% faster with a proper model.   That’s why we've built an in-house tool and are excited to open source it. Our aim for you is simple: less time spent on building cohorts, more time spent on segmenting, analyzing and challenging your data.   Do users really love your product? Plug your raw data into our model and you'll know if users do. We did our best to make it as easy as saying "Hello".   Please, let us know if you have any questions; we'll be happy to help 🙏   We are excited to hear from you, Cheers
Marie Brayer

You just have to input your raw backoffice data into the document and it computes all the cohorts for you.


Super easy to use


Use it on a powerful computer ;)

Eric Gossart
Thanks Marie for your valuable feedback, much appreciated. We tried to make it as light as possible, but sure, a solid computer is always a plus ;)
Théo Rouer
Amazing !! however the link seems to be broken..
Eric Gossart
@theo_rouer2 Hey Théo, sorry to hear that. Which link are you mentioning? The landing page access link (incohortswetrust.co) or the link allowing to download the template? For the landing page, some users had troubles with their adblock feature, you can try to disable it (if any).
Sébastien Le Roy
@theo_rouer2 @egossart @audrey_hsr Hi Audrey! Sorry to hear that... For the landing page, some users had troubles with their adblock feature, you can try to disable it (if any). Please, feel free to send me an email at sleroy@serena.vc and I'll share our model with you.
Tom Benattar
You are amazing 😍
Florent Thomas

Connectable to your API


Simple to use



Eric Gossart
Thanks Florent, you're absolutely right, you can go even further by connecting your API and get a real sens of your data in real time 😯
maxime berthelot

Simple to fill, simple to us 🚀


Super simple



Eric Gossart
Thanks for reviewing Maxime!
Amélie Faure

a lot of work automated there !


Top tool to build and analyze your cohorts in few clicks


No special cons

Eric Gossart
Thank you Amélie, much appreciated 😉
Pierre-Antoine Giraux

un outil indispensable pour mieux appréhender ses clients et leurs data


Super éfficace et indispensable.


Il faut juste manipuler sa data dans le bon format, et hop!