Latest update to Imgur includes a number of things!
Chat. It’s finally here! Send GIFs, posts, emojis, and messages to fellow Imgurians.
Follow users and receive notifications when they reach Most Viral!
- Tracks your incoming upvotes and replies without opening notifications. Magic.gif
- Says “goodbye" to fave-vote! Favoriting no longer upvotes a post.
- Drastically improves the reliability of videos throughout the app.
- Jazzes up the look and feel of your profile.
Covered on TechCrunch:Apps
Imgur tries to mature into a meme social network with chat and following h/t @joshconstine
Impressed with what @mrgrim151 and the team have built. It feels so authentically internet. 😁
This move reminds me of Instagram's introduction of direct messaging. Curious how its community responds.
Side note: we've long since talked about adding chat/messaging into Product Hunt. We might.
Interesting. I wonder what the % of logged in versus not on imgur is. I'm sure it's significant enough to necessitate this but have only ever consumed images there.
Product Hunt