I'm seeing a lot of in-home gardening products lately, targeted toward city dwellers that don't have much space or a backyard. Grove Ecosystem is a recent example. cc @msuster@lizco
@rrhoover Love that Ikea is in this space. I've been hacking this stuff together for years (rubbermaid boxes, aquarium pumps etc). (And been using the http://www.clickandgrow.com/ on my kitchen counter) It's great to see hydroponic stuff happen at scale.
Sidebar: An interesting article/book would be how illicit marijuana high yield production techniques are being transferred to consumer indoor gardening.
@rrhoover I've always had my eye on getting one of these, but they're usually kickstarters, US based, or out of my price range. With IKEA in the space, I'll probably (finally) join in. Not as sexy as the Grove Ecosystem or Click and Grow system or many of the others out there, but at least this one's going to be UK based, and hopefully a good entry point to in-home gardening.
@shloky@rrhoover Huge Click & Grow fan - had mine for years. Funny note to your sidebar, a few years ago when Click & Grow updated their pods, they shared a video of them growing marijuana.
"This May, IKEA is introducing an indoor gardening series that lets you grow your own tasty lettuce and herbs in water. Developed in collaboration with agricultural scientists in Sweden, KRYDDA/VÄXER series includes everything you need to get sprouting and keep your garden growing - even in the winter! How it works? Just keep an eye on the water level. That’s all."
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