Erik Torenberg

DO by IFTTT - Now available in the IFTTT app


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Linden Tibbets
We're thrilled to introduce Do to the world. It's an idea we've been working on ever since we started IFTTT and we can't wait to see how you put these apps to use. Our team has so many great ideas on how to evolve Do from here, these 3 apps are just the beginning!
Erik Torenberg
@ltibbets what led to the launch of 3 apps at the same time?
Linden Tibbets
@eriktorenberg we originally started with everything all in one app. In fact this was 3 years ago before we launched the original IFTTT app for iOS. The working name for the app was "Buttons". The big learning for us was that asking someone to understand and make a decision on both function and Recipe was just too confusing. Kind of like a swiss army knife with people only using one of the tools. As we broke it up into multiple single function apps, things became much easier for people to understand. It was a tough decision because of how tricky it is to manage multiple apps in an app store, let alone 4! After seeing the initial response to early prototypes of the split apart apps, the decision became much easier.
Brian Clark
@ltibbets You all should check out!
Miles Matthias
Did this get pulled from the store? It says it's not available when trying to download from the iOS App Store. (iOS8/iPhone6)
Linden Tibbets
@miles_matthias we are seeing some folks have the same issues and we think the apps are still propagating through the App Store. They should be there for everyone soon!
Miles Matthias
@ltibbets the issues of being an early adopter 🚣 😄
Drew Reynolds
This is exactly what people thought Yo! would be able to become, 1 button actions. IFTTT was able to use their existing web product and take it even further. Loving this! Great job @ltibbets & the IFTTT Team!
Linden Tibbets
@nydrewreynolds awesome, thanks Drew!
Jeff Soo
Awesome! Nice little touch using an app store screenshot to credit the team
Linden Tibbets
@jeffsoo thanks! I'm glad we can still fit all of our team's names on 1 page. Apps are truly a team sport.
Stefan Ritter
Nice work guys! smart way to conquer mobile!
Linden Tibbets
@stefanritter thanks, excited to see what Recipes are useful for you!
Tori Bunte
Like @s_m_i said this morning, I wish you would take my money already. Such great products. Admittedly I underutilize IFTTT, but I'm looking forward to diving into these new apps. Thanks for all you do :)
Linden Tibbets
@s_m_i @stttories thanks, much appreciated! We should have premium accounts coming your way later this year, stay tuned!
Just installed the three apps and the onboarding is pretty awesome!
Linden Tibbets
@troblous nice thanks! we were stoked to give the same intro treatment to the Android Do apps as well this time.
This is genius. Pure genius.
Linden Tibbets
@sleinadsanoj awesome, thank you!
@ltibbets you guys just won the 1-tap-app game. Congratulations. :) Do Button & Do Camera went straight to my home-screen.
Linden Tibbets
@sleinadsanoj sick! What Recipes are you most excited about?
@ltibbets most excited about the Do Button @ home recipes. Now I just need to buy a lot more connected devices to properly be able to use them all. The ones I've set up straight away are tweet current location & tweet photo (button & camera respectively) still going through all of them. I love how the way you set it up makes it infinitely expandable. Every new channel you add to IFTTT over time can potentially be added here & that's just... mind-blowing.
Linden Tibbets
@sleinadsanoj sweet, great to know and thanks for sharing. I've really enjoyed the Do Button and my Hue lights. Also, I use this Twitter Do Recipe everyday :)
Sam Bauch
the today widget is the killer feature for me! I've found so many today widgets to be utterly useless, but this makes a ton of sense
Linden Tibbets
@sammybauch nice, thanks! We are excited to explore what today widgets for Do Note and Do Camera might look like as well.
Natt Garun
Congrats, Linden! Was genuinely excited by it when we first previewed at CES - really glad this is finally here.
Linden Tibbets
@nattgarun thanks Natt, so glad its out there as well! Excited to see what folks do with them.
Brett Goldstein
I love the idea of consolidating apps based on function. It would be interested to see more of the opposite tools emerging (ones for viewing rather than doing) that utilize the same API-wizardry IFTTT does - Slack, Salesforce, etc come to mind. What do you think it means for apps caught in the middle, whose users don't actually interact with the app in the app itself?
Linden Tibbets
@thatguybg I agree viewing is an interesting space as well. It feels like notifications as they are in iOS and Android today still have a long way to mature. As we explore new interaction models, like watches, VR, Google Now and even Siri, its going to be interesting to see how the relationship between Developers <- Apps -> Users evolves!
Taylor Edmiston
At first glance, I'm reminded of Launch Center Pro, though they clearly build on top of APIs like IFTTT. How do you think of Button and Note in relation to their app?
Linden Tibbets
@kicksopenminds we think its complimentary and also speaks to a potentially different audience. The Do apps are very much about helping people make things happen at a services (API) level and Launch Center is mostly about what happens with apps on the phone itself. Make sense?
Paolo Perazzo
@ltibbets love the concept as you know, but the execution is also truly excellent. The apps look stunning and functional. Congrats and looking forward to use them!
Linden Tibbets
@sivola awesome, thank you! Our team is flattered. Always great to get something out to larger audience to find all the little nooks and crannies we overlook since we've been staring at them for so long.
Divyansh Patel
@ltibbets yet another awesome product 👌. Love the concept of Do. Good work by the team on the user interface.
Linden Tibbets
@divjpatel awesome, thank you!
Joe Anderson
Awesome job simplifying the product even more. I've always felt that IFTTT was too broad, kind of like the swiss army knife analogy. I think the next thing holding the product back is simplifying the market. As much as it sucks to scope down, IF for enterprise could do extremely well. Growth can come outwards from that. Best of luck, I really hope you guys make programming / doing things as simple as tapping buttons
Linden Tibbets
@anderson760 awesome thanks, we hope so too!
Thomas Cailhol
This is huge. Really love these products and totally agree w/ @anderson760. I was an early adopter of IFTTT and so I am for "DO"! Great work guys. Thumbs up @ltibbets. Keep up the good work!
Linden Tibbets
@tcailhol many thanks! Really looking forward to hearing what Recipes you end up liking most.
Thomas Cailhol
@ltibbets Well just tried the Gif thing. I'm a fan. Directly dropped you an email. Think that's what we call a "coup de foudre" over here.. :)
Linden Tibbets
@tcailhol nice ;)
Chris King
Love the UI—super chunky and dead simple! I also enjoy that these are three separate apps for the same reason—keeps them singularly focused and super easy to use. Yay, internetting all of the things!
Linden Tibbets
@crking Thanks Chris, super glad you liked them!
Irving Torres
Just awesome.
Linden Tibbets
@irvingtorresyc Awesome, thank you!
Tomer Alpert
OMG. I'm speechless. Seems absolutely, genius. Agree?
Linden Tibbets
@tomerlikehomer wow, we are flattered. Thank you!