Creator here. It's a pretty lightweight app, but would love to answer any questions / get feedback.
I used Evernote to keep track of my ideas, but I found myself rearranging them into different categories too often. I find it nice having an app dedicated to my ideas, with the ability to group them and prioritize them by tapping on the dots.
@ptaylorsimpson Plot Twist: You're really evil and all of the ideas entered are sent back to your server where you cherry pick the best ones and create your own evil empire. The world never works out where you keep finding all of your inspiration, and you die as a revered genius with a legacy that lives on for centuries.
Interesting to see this, I really like Elevatr and on a first look I don't see a huge difference between these two apps…
The name of the app is pretty cool Pete ;)
@redpandacan Yeah, I was definitely inspired by Elevatr and The main differentiator for me was that I wanted something that was easy to categorize my ideas as well as give them sort of a priority from 0-10. Easier for me to compartmentalize I suppose for what sideproject I may want to work on next. Also keeps my insomnia fueled by always knowing what project to think about before bed ;)
Cool App!
I keep my ideas in Workflowy currently. I know this is a 1.0 but I'd probably want backup of data (dropbox or other) before I invested in the app so I could have peace of mind.
One thing that I do (and could also be a way to make app social but in an anonymous way) is to have categories feed back into most popular categories could be auto populated when creating a new idea and you could start to structure the ideas and potential add social features around categories later. In addition to categories (like say Consumer Web) I also have a secondary dimension(s) I attach to my ideas which is theme (i.e. Vertical Authority Building). Perhaps something like tags could accomplish this.
@bracco thanks mike! It currently uses iCloud sync by default, but I agree that it would be pretty powerful to have Dropbox sync or something similar as well to make viewing ideas on desktop easier.
I got a pretty good response so I want to whip together a Mac app too so people can expand ideas on all apple devices.
Also really like the idea of autopopulating the category field with your most used category or something? -- would definitely be useful for me! I'll include that in the next update.
Great idea! I use a similar kind of system on Trello with each idea as a 'card' that moves along the board as I add detail to it and develop the idea further. So nice to see a dedicated app for this methodology, good work.
Use this a lot. Great app. would love to see a Mac Store version with cloud sync. Love the Cheap Tests section. None of the other apps / platforms have that.
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