Ivan Braun

Icons8 for Figma - Find the perfect icon without ever leaving Figma

Access the entire Icons8 icon library without leaving Figma!
✨ Thousands of free icons
🎨 Choose from 32 popular styles
πŸ“ Easily get the right pixel perfect icon size
πŸ–Ό Icons in PNG (free for a link) or SVG (Pro)
πŸ” Searchable and categorized

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Ivan Braun
When Figma announced it was making a plugin system, we were excited. We use Figma for our internal UI designs, so we quickly added making our own plugin to our backlog. And now today is the day! This lightweight plugin gives you access to all of our acclaimed icons, with easy to use options for sizing, formatting, and search. At Icons8 we have been hand-crafting icons for the last 6 years, this lets us offer the largest, most consistent icon packs around. Choose from 30 different styles to match whatever project you are working on. We offer an extensive free tier–thousands of PNG icons are available for free–all we ask is that you use add a link to icons8.com to credit us. Happy Designing!
Tyler Lastovich
Some integrations are just an obvious win-win. Even while in testing this little, but powerful plugin has already saved a ton of time creating new web designs. Give it a try :)
Marina Yalanska
Cool to see how the team keeps up with not only what interface designers need but also where they need it. Keep rocking, guys!
Icons8 in Figma! Whoopee, thanks!
Valeri Potchekailov
Great work guys! Thank you.
Ivan Braun
@valeripotchekailov congratulations with the yesterday release!
Dima Braven
Whoa, just used yesterday. Cool onboarding!
Ivan Braun
@dimabraven thank you! We've added it in the last moment. Glad it didn't fuck everything up; even more glad you liked it!
Egor Kozlovskikh
Awesome Job! Please cheak my work)))
Ivan Braun
@egor_kozlovskikh thanks! will check
Egor Kozlovskikh
@visualpharm Tnanks a lot for finding my old account in Behance!) Here's my current portfolio https://vimeo.com/user47271960. Don't think that I'm flooding in the comments) I'm really admired the job that all of you done! But may be you need a good motion designer)
Tim Romanse
Well done! You guys never cease to amaze!
Clarence Wee
Congrats on the launch! It makes it easier for me to search right now in figma without having to disrupt my workflow a little.
Divyansh Patel
Finally, we have it for figma. Congratulations @visualpharm on the launch, I have been using Icons8 for more than 2 years and extensively using the collections and export to font feature to use it in our design system. Smooth and faster handoff to developers for updating icons on DS.
Vlad Korobov
Do we have the same for Sketch?
Ivan Braun
@vladkorobov not yet, but https://icons8.com/app does the trick
Clarence Wee
Echoing the integration. I use iconify on a daily basis and would love to see both working in tandem. My plugin menu is getting longer every day πŸ˜