Email personalization is a huge problem for those who send cold messages regularly.
If you want to make the recipient your customer/client, the first thing you need to do is to get a meeting. And whether you like it or not, people generally buy or at least consider buying from people they like. The best way to do that? Make sure from the beginning that the message is about them, not you.
If they think your message is not about them, you have a slim chance of even letting them know what your offering is.
I've been doing cold outreaches with a good response rate these days, but it occurred to me that I'll run out of good personalized lines soon (being a non-native English speaker also doesn't help!). Talking to others too I realized this is a common problem.
So I researched the internet, curated, and put together a database of 100+ email opening lines ( constantly updating, almost 125 as we speak). These were written and sent by real, brilliant people. You can get inspired by their examples to establish a better rapport with leads, win more customers, and increase revenue.
1. Salespeople - Stop wasting time coming up with clever lines and make the prospect fall in love with you.
2. Entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurs need to cold message everyone from potential customers, hires, investors, etc. Save yourself some time+effort and make the most of your opportunities.
1. More meetings with potential customers by building a quick rapport.
2. Less time wasted on coming up with unique message angles.
✅ 50% OFF from the final price, as more content gets added( and an additional 20% off for PHers), the prices will get hiked.
✅ Save time and get instant access to something you'd take days to discover on your own.
✅ Made with cold email/Linkedin Inmails in mind.
✅ Curated based on the principle: Make it about them, not you.
✅ Free lifetime updates
✅ 100% money-back guarantee (14 days)
Thanks for checking it out and feel free to let me know any questions or feedback!
@vincent_strebel Yes Vincent, they can be!
I started working on this 2 days back and by last night managed to fetch 100 ones. In the past 6 hours, I managed to find 22 more. In short, as soon as I come across something interesting, that immediately goes into the database.
I'm mostly looking for examples that start by talking about the receiver (or at least position the offer in their perspective.) At least that seems to produce the best results IMO. But there are always exceptions, so looking into that too.
Nice one! Cold emails can be such a pain, and sometimes difficult to make personal and non spammy. Will new lines be added in the future and if so, at what rate?
@rubenwolff Thanks. While opening line templates are aplenty, I'm trying to include only those from emails that have been cited as effective(aka got results).
With that being the benchmark, quality vs quality is an issue.
Also while are some great cold emails online, the opening lines sometimes are average. The rest of the body is sometimes the most engaging part. But the rough plan is to reach 200 opening lines(122 now) by the end of this month and also maybe create a separate section for interesting templates/ other parts of email body. Any suggestions are welcome!
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