Alexander Lee

Iago Scenarios - Learn a language by rehearsing day-to-day situations with AI


Immerse in real-world situations and build up the confidence to learn a language through AI. Iago Scenarios allows you to practice and rehearse the day-to-day scenarios with an AI — embarrassment-free. Get live & personalized feedback and conquer each scenario

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Alexander Lee
Hey I’m Alex, one of the co-creators of Iago. We’re super excited to introduce to you Iago Scenarios — the ability to learn a language by rehearsing day-to-day scenarios! The motivation for this product came from our last trip to Japan. Even after learning Japanese with a tutor for quite some time, my co-founder Zero and I still ended up tripping up on simple day-to-day scenarios: ordering food, checking into a hotel, checking out at the コンビニ (convenience store) and I think a lot of that came from nervousness and lack of confidence! There’s still a large disparity in what you learn in textbook vs. what you see in the real world. So instead, we’re looking for a way to practice those conversational skills in a stress-free gamified environment! We’re starting out with Japanese, but we’re looking to expand this toward other languages soon! ➡️ Features: * 🏪 Practice real-life scenarios and gain confidence: Starting with day-to-day scenarios like ordering food or buying trains tickets — more scenarios are coming! * 🧑‍🏫 Real-time grammar feedback to guide you on the honorifics and the tone for the response * 📺 If you’re also an Iago extension user, everything’s all in one place. We’ll show you the connection between the words and grammar you save in scenarios & TV shows through quizzes on the Iago platform. * 🥚 Try out different requests and responses, we’ve hidden some easter eggs and side-quests to encourage you to explore different types of conversations. * 🥇 Earn medals as you progress through using our pre-defined options, text input or even voice input to solve the task at hand! Join our waitlist today! Join our Discord to give us feedback! We can’t wait to hear from y’all. Website: Extension: Discord: P.S. You can refer people and get in front of the line. We’ll also being doing invite code drops on our Discord See you there 👀
Paul Pamfil
I like how this is solving a real problem, would really enjoy to give it a try
Alexander Lee
@paul_pamfil Appreciate it Paul!
Dávid Sipos
As I used gpt I noticed sometimes made grammar mistakes. How do you make sure the AI response is correct? Good luck guys!
Alexander Lee
@david_sipos Appreciate it! We're currently working with native speakers to help iterate and test out the product as we slowly roll people off the waitlist! That being said, AI is still in a state where you're inevitably going to make some mistakes -- our take is we just need to add clear messaging that these results may not be 100% accurate.
Anna Svirshchevskaya
Alexander, cogratulations on the launch! 🎊 From the first sight your product looks like really helpful, user friendly and a kind of interactive. Does it work only wish Japanese or you plan to integrate other laguages? And all the phrases in Iago Scaarios are generated with AI?
Alexander Lee
@anna_sv Thanks Anna! We're currently starting out with Japanese, but we plan to integrate with other languages soon -- focusing on one language helps us focus improving accuracy. All the phrases will be generated with AI!
Anna Svirshchevskaya
@thealexanderlee Alexander, thank you for an answer! Great, wish you good luck with further product development and adding new languages, waiting for this 👍🏻
Teddy Ni
Whoa this is awesome, just signed up. Will this be a chat like interface or also support speech to text?
Alexander Lee
@teddyni Hey Teddy! As we roll people off the waitlist, we'll be supporting both! You'll actually earn a different tier of medal depending on whether you've completed a scenario with only your voice vs. a text!
Anna Starodub
Sounds promising congrats on your launch!
Alexander Lee
@anna_starodub1 Appreciate Anna!
Ahmad Ali
This looks great! Congrats on the launch