Ryan Hoover

I Write Like - See which famous writer you write like


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Ryan Hoover
Here's a clever tool that analyzes your word choice and writing style to determine which famous writer your write like. I entered my most recent blog post and the results say I write like Corey Doctorow, sci-fi author and co-editor of Boing Boing. Curious to hear other peoples' results (add them here!).
Kim Døfler
@rrhoover fun tool, I am Arthur Clarke 😀
Jeff Umbro
@doefler @rrhoover I got James Joyce, which is hilarious. Never liked his writing much.
@rrhoover Corey Doctorow as well!
Cole Mercer
@rrhoover I also got Corey Doctorow :)
Jordan Finnigan
@rrhoover Corey Doctorow as well... If it weren't for @jeffumbro, I'd think that's all it gives.
Sam Frons
This is a nice joke. Would be a great tool if it worked. Everyone gets Cory Doctorow. Even a DFW excerpt got Cory Doctorow.
Ryan Hoover
@samfrons PLOT TWIST: Cory Doctorow created I Write Like.
Dmitry Chestnykh
Hey everyone! Source code is here: https://github.com/coding-robots...
alexis bonte
@rrhoover Corey Doctory as well, must be an entrepreneur thing! But then Tried another Blog Post and it said I write like Dan Brown... dam I'm quitting and writing books now :)
Sharee Loeffler
I'm David Foster Wallace!
Ben Nesvig
Got James Joyce for a new writing sample which was very stream of consciousness and Cory Doctorow for an old sample that was satire.
Yulian Kuncheff
I got Vladimir Nabokov for a small excerpt I pasted from the novel I'm writing for NaNoWriMo. So no, not everyone gets Cory Doctorow. Though I am also part Russian, so maybe there is something from my upbringing that changes the style of my writing. I have never read any of Nabokov's work, and I am working on a bit of a Cthulhian horror fantasy. Though, when I included my Prologue and not just part of my first chapter, I got P.G. Wodehouse who I have never heard of.
nick barr
😭 Dan Brown 😭
Chris Franco
I am David Foster Wallace.
Lucas Lindsey
A few paragraphs later, I guess I'm Oscar Wilde!
Rob Williger
I got Corey Doctorow as well. They seem to like matching his style
Sarah Hewy
This is cool - apparently I write like H.P. Lovecraft!
Abbie Moore
Funny, someone commented that a David Foster Wallace excerpt got Cory Doctorow. I got David Foster Wallace with this piece: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ab...
Nick O'Neill
This system kept saying I write like Nick O'Neill. Pretty impressive work by the team at I Write Like! ;)
Jeremy Zaborowski
I got James Fenimore Cooper, author of Last of the Mohicans. When I only wrote one sentence it gave me Cory Doctorow - based on all of the comments, it seems that is the default when it can't determine a writing style.
Vincent Barr
I write like H.P. Lovecraft. I'll take it.