Ümit Kaş

Hypnos - Hypnos calculates your sleep cycles and set morning alarm.

Hypnos is a sleep cycle calculator for your wake up alarms. Hypnos calculates your sleep cycles and sets alarm.

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Ümit Kaş
Hello Product Hunters 👋, I am glad to share latest product, Hypnos, with you. Hypnos is a sleep cycle calculator application, that wakes you up floridly in light sleep. Using the hypos, you can calculate your best wake up time and set alarm. Hypnos makes your sleep comfortable and prepares you for the day by waking you up mostly earlier than your wake up time by calculating the sleep cycles. How it works? - Select your wake up time, and wake up days for selected time. - The selected time is the last alarm time, and it rings when the main sleep cycle alarm is not set. - Set the main sleep cycle alarm by long pressing button on the main page, before you sleep. Don't worry, the algorithm recognizes your sleep duration. - When the alarm is set, the app will alert you, in the alarm time. - You can snooze the alarm by long-pressing to the snooze button. also, the snooze button warns you with vibration. - That's it. - Your are ready to make your sleep more comfortable and more peaceful by waking earlier with you sleep cycle calculator?
Most sleep-tracking apps don't have a crucial feature - an alarm. Hypnos is great because it's alarm actually works!
Selen Demir
@katherinerosalie Thank you for the review!
Travis Bellington
Looks great! If i understand correctly the purpose of this application is to optimize the sleeping cycles to get the best sleep for the least amount of time?
Selen Demir
@travis_bellington Hello Travis, thank you for your interest! Yes, this application calculate your sleep cycles and wake you up in the best time possible when the deep sleep cycle ends. If you use it, give us a review on app store! Thank you :)
Anna Filou
Does this only pre-calculate the best time to wake up, or does it actively track or sleep to determine what that time is?
How is this different than other apps in this market, especially free ones?
Selen Demir
@boxivine Hello Sami, thank you for your interst! This application simple, easy to use and wakes you up in the best time between your sleep cycles. You can adjust the rest of the features for your alarm according to your liking.
Michael O'Brien
Yes, but as a Marketer I tell all Creators Market to the whole street Android 74.43% iOS 24.99% That like allowing every 4th customer to buy! It's Just Bad Business!