Hey Jakob: Hope you are doing well, Just adding some value here
Hyperform - Deploy websites, apps, APIs to your cloud 😉
Hyperform is a CLI tool for deploying websites, APIs, and apps to your cloud.
It uses the best of both serverless and server-based architecture. There are no servers to manage - everything is deployed via a single command.
We're a team of engineers, and we love Open Source. We love being able to use other people's work for free.
We built Hyperform because we loved the power of AWS Lambda, but we wanted the simplicity of a serverless architecture.
When you install Hyperform, you get your very own serverless deployment environment. All you need to do is run a single command, and your site is deployed.
♥️ Can't wait to see How you use Hyperform
Doplac CRM
Figma E-Commerce System
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