Naval Ravikant

Hyper 1.0.0 - Terminal built and extensible with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


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Ben Tossell
Tell us what the big updates are from when HyperTerm was released 5 months ago What's happened in that time?
Jamie Barton
@bentossell Name change & Trademark registered appears to be a huge step but I agree, apart from bug fixes and a name change.... What makes it good for the frontpage of PH again? 🙊
Ben Tossell
@itsnblackburn yeah I was just asking the founders if they could list all the new stuff to get the conversation going...
Guillermo Rauch
Top Product
@bentossell a lot has happened! First of all, we have reached 250,000 downloads. All of that from macOS alone. Developers have pushed more than 300 extensions and themes to npm. There's a really cool theme browser here with lots of options: With the 1.0.0 release we're extending support improving support for international keyboards, emoji rendering, vibrancy support and a lot more. But most important of all, we're adding support for Windows and Linux, which was our #1 feature request. Windows in particular is particularly exciting considering that Microsoft is shipping support for Bash and the Ubuntu subsystem. People can now enjoy a modern terminal and shell experience on all platforms, which is completely hackable and theme-able with web technologies.
Ben Tossell
@rauchg awesome thanks for the update!
There’s a good discussion about this over at Hacker News:
Jesse Williams
@itsnblackburn @dandigangi @cenk I worked at a startup (Codenvy) that created a cloud dev environment with terminal, text editor etc. I've never seen a product get so ripped into by a community than on HN. Those guys are really closed off about changing their setup + it's a community that generally rewards criticism and negativity unfortunately.
Dan DiGangi
@j_r_wi11iams @itsnblackburn @cenk The irony of open source developers being so close minded is ridiculous. Lol
Derek Nuzum
@dandigangi @cenk Unfortunately that's what happens when you put out a solution that's incredibly inefficient compared to existing solutions. An electron app is never going to compete with a native one. Electron is terrible for resources on most apps and it's only getting compounded for many programming purposes. The more that gets done in an Electron app, the worse performance tends to be. Running a simple npm install or running a server will just further run up RAM and CPU utilization in which electron tends to be very poor about purging when the task is complete. That being said, I think Hyper is pretty cool and has a lot of potential, but the primary target audience needs efficiency at the core. Looking forward to what comes in the future. I'm sure the attention will lead to plenty of further development and refactors to a better product. Keep it up Hyper team.
@j_r_wi11iams Ugh yeah, it's awful. I made a dumb little FTP client messing around with Electron. Just something super simple/minimal that I basically made for myself for the tiny bit I use FTP, and I wanted to play with Electron. It was posted on HN and got torn apart. On the GitHub readme I specifically said it was a super minimal FTP client that doesn't do much. All the HN comments were something like "This is stupid. It doesn't do much. Why would you make something when there are already programs that do it well like Filezilla." That's when I began hating HN.
Guillermo Rauch
Top Product
@cenk web and Electron tech tends to get a lot of pushback, and rightly so. People want great performance! Interestingly, Hyper beats native alternatives in numerous benchmarks. Examples: [Windows] Hyper beats powershell / cmder: [macOS] Hyper beats iTerm2:
This is a mini-webserver written in Javascript running the terminal as a webapp in a mini-webbrowser, right? Not that I was expecting something related to Apple's HyperCard 💚😃
Alexandr Wang
Really great product from @rauchg and the Zeit team. I've consistently been really impressed by their execution speed.
Launching soon!
This looks awesome, trying it out now. Is there a way to change the color of input vs output? I want to be able to clearly see what I typed vs other stuff in the terminal
Nick Levitan
So simple and useful product, thanks for open-source! ps: 3rd image, where did you get this amazing wallpaper? ( can't see or find on unsplash ) :D
Justin Bauer
Would really love some details on what this does in the Windows capacity. It it a pretty shell over base CMD or PowerShell? Does it bake in anything extra like Git shell?
Jamie Barton
Having given this a go in the past, it seems to now be a lot more stable. Congrats on the 1.0.0 release! I'll be switching to Hyper as my default Terminal.
I'm pretty fond of Hyper(term), been using it for 3ish months now. Had some hiccups with the package manager when it switched from Hyperterm -> but seems to be all good now.
Lachlan Campbell

I’ve been using Hyper(Term) since it launched last summer—love it!

My favorite themes:

Haha I just downloaded this yesterday on Windows and went back on the PH page to tell people about it.
Aidan Casey
A super cool product from @rauchg and the Zeit team. The world is a better place when stuff is built with JavaScript. When compared to a bash terminal its a little slower but its fast enough for me and copy and paste works correctly in the terminal which more than makes up for this. Keep the great products coming folks.
Amazing - I have been using it for a few days now and I'm really keen on! Brilliant job guys!