Hiten Shah

HVMN Ketone - The world's first and only ketone ester

HVMN Ketone is a clinically validated superfuel that can be used to improve training, recovery, and performance.

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Niv Dror
Looking forward to trying this! Samples welcome ✨ 😛
Geoffrey Woo
@nivo0o0 of course ! Come on over to our HQ. Let’s test both your blood glucose and blood ketone levels before and after to see how HVMN Ketone immediately affects those 2 biomarkers
Julie Chabin
@nivo0o0 @geoffreywoo Booking a flight right now!
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
@geoffreywoo What is the benefit of an ester vs salts?
Geoffrey Woo
@kkdub Ketone salts elevate ketones to about 0.3 - 1 mM BHB. As salt is a carrier, ketone salts have quite a high salt load (80+% RDA of sodium in a single serving) which triggers GI distress for some users. The BHB ketone ester raises ketones between 3-5 mM BHB. This is equivalent to 7-10 days of fasting worth of ketones. Diving one step further, if you look at the scientific literature, all the performance benefits of exogenous ketones were actually done by our research partners at the University of Oxford and NIH on our specific ketone ester in HVMN Ketone. In fact, emerging published data on ketone salts are showing that there's limited evidence for salts for athletic performance. In short, the evidence to date suggests that our ketone ester in HVMN Ketone is the real deal. Our Research Lead Dr. @BriannaStubbs recently published a paper investigating the kinetics of both salt and ester here if you'd like to see a formal whitepaper and discussion: https://www.frontiersin.org/arti...
Niv Dror
@geoffreywoo lets! (seriously lets do this) 📊
Julie Chabin
For someone looking to start a keto diet, would this help reach ketosis without fasting and going through the hard few days of headaches? I had followed a keto-diet for a long time and stopped because I'd feel weak during an intense workout (Part of my training is over 80% HR, and that was close to impossible when I was on this diet.) Would your product help with this?
Norbert Dragán
@syswarren In my understanding, exogenous ketone supplements are shortcuts to raise the blood ketone levels without nutritional ketosis. That means that you can still eat carbs and get the benefits of ketones to some extent. (Source: Dom D'Agostino said it in a podcast.)
Geoffrey Woo
@syswarren yes, this is one of my personal favorite use cases! The transition into ketosis is tough because your brain and body has low glucose (from fasting or carb restriction) and has low ketones (ketone production has picked up yet). Drinking HVMN Ketone will bridge that gap of energy availability and make the transition into ketosis or a longer fast much more smoothly.
Julie Chabin
@geoffreywoo Awesome! Thank you!
Brianna Stubbs
@syswarren Yes, whilst taking ketone supplements doesn't help your body to make ketones, it will help to alleviate the nasty symptoms of ketone adaptation. Plus being a great source of energy for people who want more energy to work out whilst on a keto diet.
Tom Bielecki
@syswarren Entering ketosis is not a challenge if you have adequate electrolytes. No headaches or side effects.
Hiten Shah
I've known HVMN since it was called Nootrobox, a Nootropics company. With the rebranding to HVMN and the launch of HVMN Ketone, it's incredibly exciting to see the company evolve to now become an important pillar of the human performance and biohacking community. The research behind ketosis is very compelling, and I'm really excited to see how HVMN Ketone will impact people's productivity and health.
Geoffrey Woo
@hnshah thank you for the longtime support ! Excited to finally unveil this to the world. I’ll be online tomorrow morning with my team including our Research Lead Dr. @briannastubbs to answer any and all questions on the science, technology, and data.
Brianna Stubbs
@hnshah Thanks so much for the support!
Erick Barron
So it's one bottle per day? That's insanely expensive. 🤤
Geoffrey Woo
@erickbarron86 I️ know and it’s part of the scaling operation of a novel process. We have a roadmap to scale this to be as cheap and accessible as possible: https://hvmn.com/blog/introducin...
Michael Brandt
@erickbarron86 Erick, you can take one bottle per day, but you certainly don't have to! HVMN Ketone is designed to be used "as needed" for the big days you need it.
Tom Howard
@erickbarron86 @bdm_tastemakers would love to see a bit more info on dosage! The website says a single serving is 25 grams, thats $22-33 per serving! Whats a realistic dosage for the main use cases? Would you do a full 25g before every workout? To kick start a keto diet, would you just take full doses it for 3 days straight and then supplement with smaller amounts from there?
Kumar Thangudu
From @DerekLowe, a medicinal chemist of 30+ years: First thought is that this invites FDA scrutiny, but I'm sure they're invoking the "dietary supplement" loophole, which is a mile wide (1/x) Also, this appears to be an ester of beta-hydroxybutyric acid. What's the alcohol? Presumably ethyl? Is this like doing a shot? (2/x) Next, ketone bodies like this are indeed a natural part of metabolism. But taking 25g at a gulp is something else again. (3/x) Would very much like to know what toxicity testing has been done. Long-term liver effects, etc., possible? This is medicine, not food. (4/4) https://twitter.com/datarade/sta...
Geoffrey Woo
@dereklowe @datarade My responses on Twitter copied below: (1) Incorrect. HVMN Ketone is a food and has a nutrition label. Our partners at Oxford went through FDA GRAS process: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/s... (2) The alcohol component is (R)-1,3 butanediol, a common food additive, which is rapidly converted into D-BHB. (3) Per your toxicity question, many kinetic and safety studies done on both animal and human subjects. Hence, FDA GRAS as a foodstuff. (4) Happy to discuss data and work in detail. Copying my colleague Dr. @BriannaStubbs, who ran a number of the human studies at Oxford.
I have no idea about the quality of this product or company, but a simple google for "Ketone Ester" finds several other competitors. Specifically the work of Dom D'agostino in the Ketogenic diet space and Patrick Arnold of the Ketogenic supplement space, both have/endorsed products that are essentially the same as this. Again, no judge of quality of the product or company, but when the tagline says "first and only" and its neither, it raises a red flag.
Geoffrey Woo
@tvventythree that’s incorrect. You’re seeing exogenous ketones made of ketone salts or MCT oil. HVMN Ketone is a ketone ester, and it’s the world’s first ketone ester that’s FDA GRAS as a foodstuff (not a supplement). I️ actually taped a conversation with Prof. Dom D’agostino this past weekend about the first commercial availability of a ketone ester, and we’ll be posting that discussion later this week / next week.
@geoffreywoo Thats terrific news and reassuring. Thanks for following up and addressing concerns! Looking forward to the discussion with Dom.
Erick Barron
This might be just what I need for my fasting experiment!
Geoffrey Woo
@erickbarron86 yes, great fuel that helps smooth transition into endogenous ketosis
Brianna Stubbs
@erickbarron86 Great way to consume energy as ketones to help you make it through a fast without triggering insulin response
Morgan Beller
What a sexy video.
Brianna Stubbs
@beller @bdm_tastemakers did a tonne of hard work and I agree it looks great!
David Tran
Congrats @geoffreywoo @bdm_tastemakers @briannastubbs on the launch! Learned a little bit about ketones from Michael during a long run and am super excited to try this out as a new fuel source!
Michael Brandt
@geoffreywoo @briannastubbs @dtran320 Thanks David! Excited for you to try. Let's hit the trails again soon, that was a great 15mi run!
Brianna Stubbs
@geoffreywoo @bdm_tastemakers @dtran320 Thanks David, hope I can join you next time and be fueled by HVMN Ketone!
Paul Benigeri
It's been fun to work on this with the team!
Michael Brandt
@paul_benigeri Insanely fun :)
Geoffrey Woo
@paul_benigeri I added you as a maker!
Jonas Petermann
This really reminds me of the Deus Ex games... Sarif Industries you‘re welcome.
Geoffrey Woo
@jonas_petermann loved the series growing up. Definitely an inspiration for rebuilding and reengineering human capacity.
Jonas Petermann
@geoffreywoo Cool you played it as well! But so you should know that these biohack corps portrayed in the game are quite evil... don't turn to the dark side
Karl Nislow
@geoffreywoo Can you talk a little about pricing? Are there plans on lowering the price in the future? $99.00 for a day worth of this product is definitely out of many people's price range. (https://help.hvmn.com/hvmn-keton...)
Geoffrey Woo
@karlnislow we desperately understand that. Scaling a novel process is extremely expensive and tough. We have a roadmap to bring costs down to as cheap and accessible as possible: https://hvmn.com/blog/introducin...
Michael Brandt
@geoffreywoo @karlnislow Hi Karl! While the max is 3 per day, you certainly don't need to take 3 in a day, or take it on daily basis, for benefit. We say it's "for the days you need it most" -- so for some people that means everyday, others that means when they run their next marathon, etc.
Karl Nislow
@geoffreywoo @bdm_tastemakers Awesome! I'm glad you guys are already thinking about this and I realize it must have been an undertaking. Good luck with the launch. Excited to try the goods.
Thom Ivy
The makers describe this as a "Ketone Ester" compared to existing "Ketone Salt" products. This study, published Oct 30, describes their similarities and differences - the conclusion is a good one: "In conclusion, drinks containing exogenous ketones, in either ester or salt form, can raise concentrations of blood βHB in humans, although elevation of L-βHB lasts longer after racemic KS consumption. Both KE and KS drinks mildly altered acid-base balance. Exogenous ketones lowered blood glucose and lipids without inhibiting endogenous insulin secretion. The KE delivered highly repeatable blood concentrations of D-βHB, although ketosis was decreased by a meal. Uptake and elimination of D-βHB were similar when several drinks were consumed in succession. The dietary KE could maintain ketosis using drinks taken regularly around a normal meal pattern, or using a continuous infusion via a nasogastric tube. Therefore, ketone drinks are a viable and practical alternative to dietary strategies to achieve ketosis." https://www.frontiersin.org/arti...
Geoffrey Woo
@thom_ivy yes, authored by our very own research lead Dr. @briannastubbs !
Matteo Fabbri
If you want to die there are more faster and funnier ways
Geoffrey Woo
@theqult HVMN Ketone is 100% safe and has been validated through numerous safety and kinetic studies on both animal and human subjects. This is classified as a food by the FDA and holds GRAS status.
Cody Coe
Time to go back on Shark Tank :)
Geoffrey Woo
@cody_coe @mcuban @sacca @abcsharktank let's do it. round 2 in the tank! we'll break the record again for highest valuation request ever.
eric rea

Get your act together guys. You are spamming your PH early adopters.


Like the idea of it since I eat a keto diet.


I preordered three bottles, and now I'm in a really annoying drip marketing campaign and unsubscribing doesn't opt me out of it.

Moin Uddin
Looks interesting. Would love to try once you start shipping to more countries. Nice video btw!
Michael Brandt
@moinism thanks! Follow on tw or join our email list for updates in that dept 😉
Emanuele Dal Carlo



Very interested once available in Italy



Melissa Dulling
Hi im interested in this as weight loss support. Bring diabetic type 2 and on meds it's v hard to get into ketosis. The meds tend to prevent it even when on v lo carb diet. So good to know whether hvmn ketone can accelerate into ketosis with metformin and empaglifoxin. Would be interested to try.
Steven Rueter
I’m all for it. I’ve been working closely with the founder of Waggle Foods, whose pioneering a ketogenic diet for sick animals, of course with human-grade ingredients. Why is HVMN the next penicillin? Also, could you please clearly list your ingredients? If it contains any sugars, for example, it defeats the whole purpose. I’m also one not buy without knowing the ingredients.
{{{ reserved }}} ... six months later. HVMN Ketone banned by US and EU countries... 🤔not exited to see how bla bla.
Geoffrey Woo
@_selcukahmet Our research partners at Oxford and NIH have done extensive animal and human studies and we went through the FDA GRAS process to demonstrate the safety of HVMN Ketone as a foodstuff. This is a nutrient that's safe and has much more data than many food additives in our food supply today.