Can Olcer

Boost by Humbot - Unlimited homework help from humans for only $15/mo

Humbot provides instant help understanding your homework from real humans 👩🏼‍🏫.

With Boost, we support a small number of students to access Humbot for only $15/month (instead of $99). Apply now.

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Can Olcer
Hi everyone 👋🏼 Tonight we're launching Humbot Boost. We launched Humbot a couple of months back. With Humbot, we're providing instant homework help for school kids by real humans. We charge a fixed fee of only $99/month. Humbot Boost is our scholarship program: Students can apply and, if selected, can access Humbot for a significantly reduced rate of only $15/month. We launched Boost because our goal is to drive down the cost of high-quality education in the coming years. We aim to offer 1-on-1 tutoring at a lower price to everyone someday. Unfortunately, today we can't build a sustainable business with this pricing. But with Boost, we can start enabling more and more kids from lower-income families to improve their education and do better at school. I know that Product Hunt is not Humbot's target group - but if you know friends and family with kids in school, feel free to share ❤️
Paraj Mathur
Looks really cool. How do you ensure that a one on one tutoring platform like this doesn't descend to something that will be considered academic dishonesty? A lot of other platforms have started with a similar mission but end up straying the path.
Can Olcer
@paraj_mathur Great point. We don't do homework for our students but help them understand the underlying concepts. If a student can't work with that, we're happy to refund and their money and cancel their account. We can do this because we're not a marketplace, but all tutoring is done by the Humbot team. So we have control over the quality and content of the teaching.
Christopher Leach
Looks awesome and what I need right now. Applied.
Vikas Yadav
@Dorena and @Can from where and how U hired/got quality tutors for this project?