Koby Ofek

HUMANS - Discover the web homes of the people who build the internet

A curated gallery featuring the world's best personal websites. The list consists of projects built with various technologies and services: React, Angular, Vue, WP and even Wix or About.me sites. Find inspiration to build your perfect personal homepage.

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Amelia Gruber
How did you find the websites to make this list?
Koby Ofek
@ameliagruber Just re-answering here, as I commented on this elsewhere. My main origins for sourcing site ideas were: Award sites - mainly awwwards, cssdesignawards and FWA. Design social networks - sites like Behance & Dribbble Design magazines like Smashing Magazine. Social media accounts (mainly Twitter) of web designers Product Hunt - to check which sites are listed on the profiles of prolific makers and hunters My personal network of people telling me about cool personal sites they stumbled upon Since launching, I received dozens of site submissions online. I'll do my best to review them all (contact me if you want to help), and get them up to the site as soon as I can. I also mentioned before that my criteria for acceptance isn't necessarily to have only the best looking personal websites, but to include a variety of styles, services and technologies to see what's actually there and what are people currently doing to design their personal homes on the web. Thank you all for taking the time to submit sites, review, upvote and get inspiration.
Alicia Underwood
Just submitted my site over. Do you feature all sites that get submitted?
Koby Ofek
@aliciaunderwood First, thanks for submitting. This is great! I don't have a fixed methodology yet for accepting/rejecting submissions as this is all fairly new. I got a few dozen submissions so far, so I'll probably accept any reasonable submission. The idea in the first place was to reflect the "state of personal websites" and not necessarily to feature just the jaw-dropping designs. Of course, I'm trying to prevent spammy submissions as much as I can. Hopefully that's not the case here. btw - I'm currently reviewing all the submissions myself. If anyone wants to participate, review websites, add websites or anything else you can think of - you are all more than welcome. Drop me a msg here, or on twitter and I'll get back to you.
James Daly
What a great idea for a project, I love exploring people's personal sites, they have so much more personality than social media profiles. And thank you for including mine, it was a nice surprise coming across it while exploring the site! 😄
Koby Ofek
@jamesdaly90 I agree that personal sites hold the potential for much more versatility and creativeness than any social profile. While exploring different sites, I encountered some really jaw dropping examples of personal creativity. Thank you for making them!
Serge Malcolm
This can also double as a search engine for web designers or developers. When you see what they are doing for themselves, it's a great way to discover someone who can help you with your project.
Koby Ofek
@malcolmserge That's exactly what I was thinking when making it! I'm thinking about making some functionality to approach the site owner to hire him or her. What do you think?
Koby Ofek
Hello humans, So, I wanted to build myself a personal website.  It's shocking, but some people still do that and I wanted to discover what are the best designs for personal sites today? What technologies and services are people using? Are people coding them from scratch? Is Squarespace and Wordpress so popular as it seems? Is purple the new black in website design? I needed inspiration and fast, so I started reviewing personal homepages. I wanted to see what other makers are building; What are designers building? Or maybe people in other industries - authors? photographers? hairdressers? Where can I find some good examples that lead me to my design. Fast forward a few weeks, I talked to a few dozens of inspirational makers, designers and developers. They told me their stories and shared a bit about how they built their homes on the web. I also reviewed over a thousand personal websites from all over the globe - from Japan to Brazil, America to Qatar. The result is humans.fyi. This is a design gallery of the internet homes of the people who are building the internet.  Many of the websites featured on the list were made by the awesome members of this maker community, so check if your own website is there and submit it if it's not. I'd love to have them all for future reference and for inspiration. Feel free to browse and enjoy. You can filter, sort, upvote stuff, share on social media. You know how these things work. Have a good time. Follow the project manifesto and roadmap on this notion page: https://www.notion.so/What-s-beh... Oh, I still didn't build my page, being so busy with making this list, but I'm on my way and will update once it's done.
David Leib
@kobyof Last time I had a personal website with my name in the domain was like 7 years ago. Since, I stopped paying godaddy, some scammer got the domain and is dropshipping from it (good luck with that), and I'm using twitter as my go-to place to send people that want information about me and my business.  Why do you think I should bother with a personal domain and design and stuff?
Koby Ofek
@davidleib4 I was actually asking myself the same thing :) I guess when you have your own space online you can control the design and content and it's forever yours (as long as you pay godaddy... right?) With other platforms, they can use your data, you are restricted to their structure and their design. For example, with Twitter you have just so much space to put your bio and links. Whoever gets to your profile page may need to scroll quite a bit to get to the interesting parts (even if you pin something). Moreover, when you have your own space I guess you can showcase your design abilities, which is really important for those of us who code or design stuff online. As platforms get better, and you can customize them quite a bit, it gets tougher to decide. It's still an open question for me, but I think I'm going to rebuild my personal webpage quite soon. I got a lot of inspiration building this project, and I have a few ideas of interesting stuff I want to make.
Pedro Luiz
@kobyof I built myself website on about.me platforma 5 years ago. Thinking about changing now. Will look for advice.
Koby Ofek
Do you have a personal website (your own domain, your design etc.) ?
Ian Larsen
I like the idea. Things that I would add: - login feature / personal account to keep things that I like (I'm not sure about where do things I upvote are saved right now) - commenting - user photos
Koby Ofek
@ianlarsen17 Thanks for the feedback. - Commenting is coming. Already got it up on the dev version. Should be up soon. - Authentication - I'm kind of hesitating. Currently users' upvotes are saved on Local Storage. I don't want to make things too complicated. - I actually do pull user photos from social media accounts via API. You can see them when you click on the website screenshot. Maybe I'll incorporate them more tightly in the future. I don't want to make the UI too dense.
Lachlan Kirkwood
Awesome repository to source inspiration, nice work 🙌
Koby Ofek
@lachlankirkwood Thank you! Appreciate the feedback :)
Good idea. I was thinking about a makeover for my site. I'll check some designs to get inspiration.
Koby Ofek
@rogermenhaim Thank you for commenting. Submit your website to be featured once you complete the makeover!
Sam Rotenberg
Just submitted my site. When can I expect to have it indexed?
Koby Ofek
@samrotenberg I can't say for sure. If it does get indexed it will probably be a few days as I got more than a 100 submissions in the last 24 hours and I review each and every one to make sure it's not spam and that it meets some certain quality level. Doing my best to include everyone as fast as I can.
Metin Emenullahi
Just at a time when I'm just starting to scout for inspiration for a personal website 😎 Kudos and thank you 👊
Koby Ofek
@0xmtn Thanks for the feedback! Check back often, we will be releasing more features and tools for people in the process of site creation very soon.
Marco Keiff
@kobyof sent this to me over the weekend so I had some time to fiddle around with it. Really nice job of getting together a lot of inspiring websites. I submitted mine to be featured too. Still waiting to see it live.
Lilach I
Love this resource @kobyof . Thanks for making.
Koby Ofek
@lillach_i Thank you for commenting 🙏
Shun Yamada
Koby Ofek
@shun_yamada Thank you! You'll get notified once your submission is up on the site.
Akshay Vernekar
Really loved the site! I wish if there was a comment section so people could discuss about what they like or dislike about the site .
Koby Ofek
@akshay_vernekar Comment feature high up on the to-do list.
Mike Dane
Great resource for inspiration. Anyone can submit his personal website !
Koby Ofek
@mikedane7 Thank you, Mike!
Ron Zukerberg
This made me want to recreate my website. Last one I had was on Geocities!!! LOL
Awesome idea and execution..wanted to ask few things 1)I see many profiles and as you explained how do you get the profiles ...do you add a crawler to get the profiles or manually find and add them 2)There is on demand loading of profiles on reaching bottom is it intended? 3)What tech stack you used to build this. nice collection bookmarking it!!
Koby Ofek
@rajatrao777 Hey, sorry for the late response. I have been swamped with responses in the last few days. 1 - After finding the profiles manually (or some profiles are submitted), there is a manual review for each website + automatic crawling of the profile site to get meta information like technology used, social network stuff and more. 2 - Of course, it's endless scrolling by design 3 - The production version is currently on vanilla js with mongodb on the background. There is work in progress to shift to react. Thanks for the feedback! Many new features launching soon, so check back to see if you like it.
Koby Ofek
It was quite a lengthy process. My main sources of inspiration were awards sites, mainly awwwards, cssdesignawards and FWA, but I also searched quite a lot on Dribbble and Behnace, which are design-oriented websites, design magazines, Twitter accounts of webdesigners and others. I also checked to see if makers on this site have personal websites, and I featured some of them. My criteria wasn't especially to include only the best looking personal websites, but to have a variety of styles, services and technologies to see what's actually there and what are people currently doing to design their personal homes on the web.
Simon Dingle
Nice idea 🙂 The “Visit Site” button isn’t working on any of the sites for me though (Chrome on iOS).