Can you identify if an image was made by a human or an AI?

Human or AI — Can you identify if an image was made by a human or an AI?

Nowadays everyone is generating images using some type of AI system, so it got met curious: how good are people at identifying if it was made by a Human or an AI? I've made this little site to find the answer to my question and satisfy my curiosity.

glhf :)
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
Cool idea! I was hoping to see how well i did at the end of the survey but doesn't look like i got a score?
@britt_joiner that's odd, did you submit successfully? You should be redirected to the results page after you submit it
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
@iaimforgoat ah i just went back through and realized i thought i was complete when it asked me to submit images, but i missed the submit button to skip it
Hi Hunters, It's my first time sharing here something I've made, so I am very excited to share this with you all! Right now there's close to 200 images so you can do several tests before you run out of images. If you are having fun doing the test press the button to get more images or do another one after you finish. How many of you will get a 100%? Let's find out! (At the end of the day I'll comment with the results from the community) I hope you enjoy the time on my site!
As promised I'll deliver the follow-up numbers. 123 users created and submitted a test. Ok, how many managed to get 100%? Only ONE got 20/20! Only thirteen got a correct rate higher than 80%! And the average of everyone that took the test yesterday was... 62.23%! Thank you for everyone that used the site and I hope you had fun. :)
Mi Wy
Nice experiment. Have you learned yourself along the way how to tell them apart?
@michal_wysocki I have been playing with this tech for almost 3 months now, so I may be a bit better than average, but I think I would still do 15/20 most of the times! Some of the images are really good, so it isn't easy for me to detect them.
One of images was there for some reason.
@ovedaydin I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean with this
@ovedaydin oh I forgot to reply, but I did find the issue and fixed it. I won't use that image anymore. Thank you for your feedback!