
Deep learning chat - Chatting with a deep learning chatbot


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Ben Tossell
Would love to know how your experience has been in botcamp and how that has helped you
Clément Delangue
@bentossell So far so good Ben! The best thing for us is to be able to pick Betaworks' dream team's brains everyday on every possible subject so hats off to @pmontee @matthartman @johnborthwick @gilgul @jamescooper @sarthakgh @ana_rosenstein @_roysd and more!
Ben Tossell
@clement_delangue any specific takeaways that have stuck with you? Or fav talks/demos etc
Clément Delangue
@bentossell I'll write about them after the program is done. I'm kind of in the pre-demo-day rush right now :)
Sander Visser
Seems human to me 🙃
Clément Delangue
@fishsander 😂 😂 😂
Julien Chaumond
Thanks for hunting @albn! Guys, this is a demo of chatting with a Deep learning chatbot trained through Neuralconvo, a Torch library that implements Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks, reproducing the results in the Neural Conversational Model paper (aka the famous Google chatbot paper). The Google “Neural conversational model” chatbot was discussed at length by Wired, Motherboard and more, but there wasn't an easy way to actually try it online. Now you can 👋 Let us know what you think here in the comments!
Matthieu Varagnat
Very solid technical explanations of the process by @julien_c here “Chatting with a Deep learning brain”
Nathan Baschez
This is not what I was expecting... haha :)
Chris Calmeyn
@nbashaw Likewise :) It be would nice to have a unified thread of conversation screenshots.
Clément Delangue
@calc @nbashaw let's do a contest of the funniest screenshots hahaha
Matthieu de Luze
Great job here, congrats guys 👍 I've been testing it and it's been interesting and quite fun too. I'll be curious to follow the auto-improvement of it 👌 Would you keep it conversational only or is it possible to add any external integration like automating task management for example?
Clément Delangue
Thanks @matthieudeluze! Our subject is conversation (we're building a fun messaging AI) so we'll prob focus on this.
Even this chatbot flirts with me... 😂😂😂
Shubham SHARMA
I can literally spend hours playing with it. Would be perfect to be able to play with it offline in the subway. Great job, congrats guys !
Clément Delangue
@shub_s Thanks Shubham. You'll love our real product then! It's 100 times better.
Clément Delangue
FYI, we've passed the 20,000 messages shared with the AI in just a few hours. Feel free to share your best screenshots!
This bot smoke too much weed 😂
Laszlo Levente Mári
I tried: - Because i've never been here before. - where have you been? - Oh, i'm not going anywhere. - but you do - Yes. - wtf - It's a secret between us
Clément Delangue
@noxowe hahaha, the answers are definitely all over the place right now but it's interesting to be able to try it at large scale (15k messages already just in a few hours). We'll probably try with a different dataset.
Laszlo Levente Mári
@clement_delangue haha it was already worth trying it out, I had fun with it even though it's a little dumb as of now 😀
Cynthia Houlton
Interesting. Neuralconvo doesn't seem to know about tennis or football but appears to have a sense of humor....I think.
Rick Kats
I can't say that this worked as expected :) has a long way to go, never the less cool
very strange answers :/ like randoms
So this is basically this,
, right? @albn
Alyssa Ong
Well that escalated quickly.
Jean Snyman
This is the conversation I had with bot: P.S. How *does* one post an image here exactly?
Ron Masas
No answer :( maybe he just don't like me.
Clément Delangue
@ronmasas maybe ;) Is it working now?
Sarah Nadav
I didn't like the experience of chatting with this bot at all. It was too random, and it felt like chatting with a crazy person who was gaslighting. I would have preferred it a lot more if it had some more clever or entertaining elements.