A digital asset library with 10k+ Afro-centric stock photos and illustrations.
Our focus is incentivizing our pool of photographers while empowering creators with high-quality digital assets to support their work.
Jobless and Moneyless.
I helped my mom with her salon errands, including branding. This was 13 years ago.
We contracted a designer to work on business cards and flyers - after 2 weeks of frustration, I downloaded Corel draw.
This was the beginning of my freelance work as a graphic designer, doing work for my mom and other friends and family later on.
Throughout this time, I've graduated from small design gigs to more established ones. Yet 13 years later, One problem has persisted - sourcing quality African stock photos and illustrations.
After talking to +50 creators, this is still a blocker in creative work. Hueman Pixel is here to change that.
Hueman Pixel