
Huddle - Video messaging to connect with people you feel close to


Video messaging for sharing personal moments with family & friends in a more meaningful way.

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Hey, I hope all is well with you. I'm a bit nervous while writing this cuz it's been a while since we've launched something. I'm mega proud of the team that we are shipping Huddle today. In short, Huddle is about connecting with the people you feel close to. We believe relationships come first β€” the ones we create with our children and those we have with each other. But, unfortunately, somewhere along the way, we've allowed the busyness of life to get in the way of meaningful connections with our most beloved people: our family & friends. These days, it feels we're in Las Vegas chillin' with strangers every day. That's why we're actively reimagining social media. What does that mean? This means that the why and the how in our communication now carry a new, more intentional weight. The great thing about the people close to you is that you can be real with each other. That's a different way of saying you can be vulnerable. With Huddle, we want to enhance these relationships using video messages in a private setting. You don't have to follow people you don't know. There's no need to profile yourself a certain way. You can just be... you. I'm well aware this might be lengthy, but hey, I told you I'm nervous. Or maybe it's because we Europeans are not natural-born storytellers. Either way, we would love to hear what you think of our app and happy to answer any questions. PS: Here's ( my 87-year-old grandma, aka oma Alie, beta testing Huddle on her iPad. Roughly translated, she's saying, "You are never too old to learn," followed by her great-grandchildren congratulating her. ✌️
Martijn de Kuijper
@nalden πŸ‘ go Nalden and @kevinkalle! I love how thoughtfully you have built this product. And I'm honored that I've been able to huddle with y'all for a while now :)
@kevinkalle @mdekuijper ❀️
Kevin Kalle
@nalden @mdekuijper πŸ™πŸΌ thanks
@nalden and the ?makers this is so well executed 🀩 My younger cousin (12 years old) blessed me with some profound wisdom a few days ago. He said, "a platform ceases to remain hip the moment senior family members join it" LOL. Huddle seems to be a great way to bridge that gap and connect with our dear ones on an interpersonal level. Wishing you all the success :)
@adityavsc Much appreciated Aditya!
Ryan Hoover
LOL @ the video of my getting a workout in Supernatural πŸ˜‚
@rrhoover πŸ™ˆ
Roberts Samantha
IDK how long will it take you to make it main stream, but I see a huge potential
@roberts_samantha1 ❀️
Oscar van der Vleuten
I use and delete Snapchat and Instagram occasionally (I think 4 times a month), it's one big FOMO experience and I really dislike it. Huddle is the one (social) app I keep on my phone, it's intimate, pure and everyone can show their true self on a good or even a bad day. I am really curious how the app will evolve in the near future!
@oscarvdvleuten Much appreciated Oscar!
Girdharee Saran
I really like the styling on the UI/UX ..makes it fun to use.
@giri @johnvandewater says thank you very much!
Mayank Mishra
Launching soon!
like the UX of the app.. cool!
Kevin Kalle
@mishra_mayank great to hear, πŸ™πŸΌ thanks
Carlo Thissen
Beautiful vision and beautiful product. Immediately downloaded it. Love that you directly propose groups like Family, Friends, Spouse, Colleagues...makes it easier to get started. My family is spread across 3 different countries. Excited to try this out!
@carlo_thissen Cheers Carlo!
John Ashenden
Congrats Huddle team! Sadly, the rest of my family is Android. You can thank my evil brother-in-law for pulling that con over on everyone while I've been off living my life away from Florida πŸ˜‚πŸ˜– So, ready to try with my fam once y'all push a Google Play release. Good luck!!
@ashenden Hahahaha got it. We'll speed up the developments for droids ;)
Kevin Kalle
@ashenden πŸ™πŸΌ
Julia Lanu
It’s so much better than the other apps where you have to β€˜prove’ who you are. This app keeps the relations that matter alive!
@juliadavita We try to :) Thanks for checking Julia
Geet Khosla
Congratulations @nalden @kevinkalle + team - the product looks amazing, excited to use it with my family and close friends. :)
Kevin Kalle
@geetkhosla πŸ™πŸΌ thanks
Aziz Firat
Congrats on the launch @nalden and friends! I've been using it for some time now with friends, and it's just amazing to be selective about who sees what. ✨
@azizfirat πŸ™
Vedika Jain
"We believe relationships come first β€” the ones we create with our children and those we have with each other. " Love the mission you're on with Huddle, @nalden
@vedika_jain We simply want that people care about people – an idea so laughably naΓ―ve, yet so radically transformative.
Travis Todd
Excited to finally see this thing launch! Congrats! I just managed to move my family over to Telegram despite their cyber security concerns (founded or unfounded). Can you speak to any encryption or privacy built in or in the works?
@travisjtodd To be honest, we don't have the luxury to kickstart this adventure with E2E encryption from the start since we're a small team, yet it's a priority on the roadmap for the longer term!
Julian Paul
Cool! Congratulations on the launch! Am I correct in assuming that you are kind of like Clubhouse, but for video? Or is that your aim? If not, why would I use Huddle, instead of sporradic FaceTime calls with my friends and family?
@julianpaul It's the latter Julian. We don't prefer those sporadic FaceTime calls either.
Good luck!
Frank Solleveld
@new_user_18151e5768 Thanks, Alex!
Donni Honig
Such a well designed app, can’t wait to start using it. Congrats on the launch!
@donni Cheers Donni! Will tell @kevinkalle & @shanegraaf ;)
Anieke Lamers
Congrats @Nalden and team Huddle! Well done
@anieke Thanks Anieke!
Daniel Stedman
Bravo! I must say I really enjoyed the homepage with the doodle feature :) Excited to use this with my family (PS. is that Benny on your homepage?) Good luck, and to the moon!!
@danielstedman Much appreciated Daniel! Hope you'll see more of the fam ;)
Praveen Kumar
Congrats on the Launch @nalden Loving the product, long way to go.
@itspks Hahaha sure is a loooong way! Cheers Praveen.