Mike Hince

Howler for Slack - Giphy for Jokes, 90k jokes at your command. May be #NSFW šŸ™Š

Howler for Slack is Giphy for Jokes, 90,000+ jokes at your command. The content was created by our community of amateur and professional joke writers and as such may contain #NSFW content.

Use /howler followed by any keywords you can think of to load a random joke.

Some good, some bad!

Put some humour into your work channels.

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Mike Hince
Hey! We've been running Howler for a couple of years now and as we're nearing 100,000 jokes on our site we started to think of ways we could use them. As huge fans of the Giphy Slack App we thought that Howler could offer similar, so we built it! We've been testing it in our channels and find that it really adds a level of randomness to the workplace chat. Let us know what you think. šŸ™Š May contain NSFW content so you've been warned. šŸ™Š
Adam Cudworth
Smart idea, I like it!
Mike Hince
@adamcudworth We've sat on a ton of content for years, so really interested to see how we can branch out and use this content in other ways. This is a fun experiment!