TOMO - The last IRS W-9 form you'll EVER fill out

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Hey Product Hunt! We are pumped to release our first "micro-app" to PH! This simple tool can help businesses and 1099 contractors send & receive IRS W-9 Forms quickly and securely (I know, not the sexiest thing on the planet... but super-helpful!). What's great is that with this tool it'll be the LAST W-9 you'll EVER have to manually fill out! Sweet action. We're just getting started and we want to leverage the Product Hunt community at large to figure out what we should add next to the tool and how we can continue to get us one step closer to a truly paperless world. Leave your feedback and comments below! (Oh, and see screenshots for a look at what to expect!) More via our announce post here: ^^^ See more screenshots via the Product Hunt carousel! ^^^
Jack Smith
@8bit @saddington does it cost any money? This is definitely a problem that we dealt with early on at Vungle. But you can pretty much do the same thing by setting up a template with hellosign or rightsignature or whatever. Cool to have one prepopulated template. I'm just not sure how much people would pay for it.
@_jacksmith @saddington Nope, it's entirely free! The benefit of what we're really trying to do is to help people NEVER, EVER have to do this again. If they use our system once, they'll never have to fill out this form ever again. And then we can start looking at solving this for the rest of the many government documents that exist... (and more)!
@tmninja thanks buddy! i'm taking trips back east... will actually be flying back this weekend...
Justin Mitchell
@saddington would love to integrate this into! I'm already building out an entire w9 request/receive system.
@itsthisjustin @saddington Ah! Sweet! Let's connect offline: !!
Ben Tossell
People coming straight to your website and you show nothing before asking for their email? Bold... I'd recommend some examples of what the process looks like, at least
@bentossell Hah! Well, we actually hope that people will reference the PH post first... since we wanted to exclusively launch here to this community. That way, they could actually see a few screenshots as well that we've included in the post!
Jack Smith
@bentossell agreed. website definitely needs work. I also didn't notice the screenshots on product hunt until just now. As the focus image is just a photo of an office worker
Vinish Garg
@8bit @bentossell I had the same question as by Ben. Not everyone will read the announcement post first (I din't), so some description or FAQs may certainly help for people like me. :)
Ben Tossell
@8bit @vingar @_jacksmith yup not everyone is a Product Hunter like us... you need to assume people will find your website directly too, right? It's so easy to be able to explain and show what your product does on a landing page. If it's not explained/shown then people may assume its too complicated.
@_jacksmith @bentossell I've added one to the original comment as well as added a few context clues. Thanks for that!
Clark Wimberly
So. rad. Request: is there a way to just save the W9 locally? (vs using the service to send it to the recipient) Often I'm already deep in an email thread when someone asks me for a W9, and ideally I'd just be able to attach it inline. In fact, a local file that was "always up to date" would be KILLER. Currently I keep a filled W9 PDF and have to change the data manually before sending. A magical PDF with the current date would be so. perfect.
@clarklab why... YES! How's that ^^^^^^^^^^^?
Clark Wimberly
@8bit probably a silly question, but is there some magical way this downloaded copy stays in sync with the current date? Or would I need to return each time for a fresh copy? AFAIK, everything can be static but that dang date.
@clarklab Great question! We've done that for you as well...! When you first create it the app will automagically date stamp it: and then, whenever you want to send another one, you have the option to send the existing one or update any new information that you need (or any changes): Yup!
Adam Dill
it'd be awesome if you guys integrated with docusign for other on boarding docs, like NDAs and contracts or such. That way i could give some one a single link to go and generate/fill out all their paperwork!
@adamdill yup! we'd love to make all of this as seamless as possible. Integration is easy... the question is what types of documents we should scale into, based on demand and interest. Great feedback.!
William Boozer
@adamdill thanks for the feedback @adamdill. This is just the starting point.... [maniacal laugh here]
Drew Meyers
Cool. I've long wondered why this hasn't existed already (or I guess why no standard platform has emerged for facilitating it).
@drewmeyers Isn't that crazy? A few thoughts that came to our minds as a team... 1. It's not sexy enough of a "startup" idea to tackle fully. 2. Orgs have built out their own internal systems but without thinking about transferability between orgs. 3. A user-centric perspective (a'la GitHub) hasn't ever been applied (the team are all engineers... so we're tackling it from that angle). 4. It's one of those cultural "grin and bear it" type issues that we all just manage through. 5. We're stupid-lucky to have landed on an idea that no one has attacked in this way before. Perhaps all 5... :P
Drew Meyers
@8bit It seems someone like Intuit, Docusign, Upwork, etc would buy/build this... easy branding opportunity.
@drewmeyers you would think... we'd love to work with them if it made sense. As a startup, our advantage is obviously speed. We built this in just a few weeks... and that was after a pivot based on user feedback from 40+ orgs...! Velocity or death... choose one (as a startup).
Jack Smith
@8bit a bit of extra feedback: when viewing the completed W9, the "create organization" button top right is looking messed up for me. the signature is also in like a times new roman type font for me, when it was showing using a handwritten font when "signing". screenshot:
@_jacksmith Love it. We'll definitely have to work out some of the styling...! Excellent.
@chhhris @_jacksmith i know... almost gave me a heart attack... :P
Jack Smith
@8bit @chhhris this is actually not many tabs for me; I've had much worse situations ;)
Tom Frazier
Looking great! We request 50-100 new W9s per month. I'd love to chat with you guys more on the solution. Any API integrations in the works? My use case would be plugging TOMO into our registration and backend workflow. All the best!
@tomfrazier We are DEFINITELY looking at creating an API solution where others can maximize our tech to automate their own systems, tooling, and workflows. To put it simply, we'd love to help as many organization as possible to save as much time as possible on things that can be entirely automated. I'll ping you in just a bit and we can chat so I can learn more and get some feedback. Love it. +1!
Eric Diepeveen
W8-BEN forms too please :)
@ericdiepeveen love this! we want to start to include other docs that people want. thanks for the vote!
Scott Wyden Kivowitz
Congrats, John! I can't wait to try this out. Glad to see you're still innovating!
@scottwyden Appreciate it friend! I'm just trying to create value when I see it...! Thanks for your vote of confidence and sharing it with others!
Scott Reyes
@8bit I would love to see something that handles Certificates of Insurance as well. W9's and COI's are the 2 things every one of our vendors have to supply before doing work for us.
@scottreyes +1! We will definitely take a look into this. Thanks for the vote of confidence and sharing it with others!
Tommy DANGerous
John is the biggest hustler and one of the smartest person I know! So happy for this product.
@tommydangerouss wow, thanks for that friend! Means a ton for your support!
Everette Taylor
Oh man! Such an annoying problem solved, love this.
@everette Thanks for that! We think we've got something pretty special here... and it's just the start. Imagine if we could solve this problem for not just W-9's... but most (if not all) of the ridiculously-repetitive paperwork that exists still in our personal and corporate workflows...!?! We're excited to get started, thanks so much for your support! Boom.
Alexander Khanukov
Nice quick product development, TOMO team! Way to start with one problem to solve and work from there. Love the clean and simple design as well. This product and approach hits especially close to home because before I learned about MVPs, Lean Startups, and all that, I built a WordPress Plugin that integrates with Adobe Document Cloud with eSign Services (formerly EchoSign) and never launched it - because I tried to replicate the entire API and solve every problem. :) With that said, I noticed the eSignature portion and was wondering if you were going to expand signature options to manual signing as well as all the way to digital signatures, via social login or even biometric signatures? The other thing is integration... are you planning any into existing CRMs or ATSs? Good luck guys and look forward to your next versions and products!
@akhanukov In short... YES! What we're trying to prove is that this very simple (yet very helpful and effective) use case "works" in our current user workflow. If it does (and it appears to be doing just that...) then we'll begin to expand the tool to include other documents, forms, and features. You're 100% right about going lean... we, internally, call this building our "Version Zero Dot Zeros" - we shared a few thoughts here on that: We feel like there's a ton of automation (and opportunity) with what we're trying to do - it's a really exciting space that's ripe for a bit of innovation (or some really good engineering). And even with the notifications and delivery through email... we've been thinking a lot about the opportunities that exist there...! More to come, for sure...! Appreciate the support, that means a ton!
Something that we're trying to do to help a ton of people use less paper... by transforming "processes" into immediate "transactions" - we're starting with the IRS W-9 Form and then want to solve other specific forms of paperwork. Love your thoughts on what we should add next...!
As an individual and/or business you can request W-9's automagically: Don't have to send another link to the government website or pass insecure PDFs via email. Whoot.
If you're like me, I've done a ton of 1099 contract work as a consultant and developer over the years... so much so that I had to save a local copy of the W-9 on my hard drive...! Which, of course, makes no sense. So, we're solving for that... and this is just the start.
Dawn Casey-Rowe
Well done, John. I, too, keep a copy of my forms...this was the fastest, easiest form fill ever--super clean and quick.
@runningdmc Thanks so much for your support - as you can tell, we've got a pretty decent workflow so far... now we want to figure out what else to add so that we can support more users, companies, and routes of automation.
Scott Davis
This is a great service! Just used it for the first time. Awesome!
@the_scott_davis Thank you for that! Appreciate you using it (and that you found it useful)! +1!
George Gayl
Uh-oh -- what happened to this?
James Xu-Johnson
This is a great idea! Are you aware of any tools like this for freelancers in the UK?