Himanshu Mishra

Hoverify 2.0 - All-in-one browser extension for web development

Hoverify is a suite of tools to enhance your web development experience and boost your productivity.

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Ken Moo
I used to have a few chrome extensions (some paid ones) just to do what Hoverify does. This is an amazing tool for the versatile digital marketer. I recommend it. All the best for the launch!
Alston Antony
This is an amazing solution! for web devs or people who build websites like me (Not a full dev). I use Wordpress to build and usually have relied upon inspector tools which are good but reduce the productivity but this makes the job very easy and also a lot of features such as quick element view, style preview, change modification, assets download, devices responsive tests, BuiltWith and lot more! Been using it last 2 months and it's one of my favorite extensions. So good luck Himanshu!
Himanshu Mishra
Thanks @alston_antony! I'm really glad that you're liking it.
Himanshu Mishra
Hi PH! I launched Hoverify more than a year ago, and you were no short of love to give. I spent last year working on Hoverify, and in the process, I've re-written it from scratch, added a ton of new features, and released an experimental version for Firefox. Here is what Hoverify can do- ⭐ Inspector 1) Inspect CSS and HTML just by hovering over the element. 2) Live edit CSS and HTML. 3) Export code to Codepen. 4) Inspect media queries and animations. 5) Edit the content of any HTML element. 6) Traverse DOM elements with arrow keys. 7) Know fonts per tag. 8) Finds font on Google Fonts. 9) Extract all the colors used on the page. 10) Toggle visibility of any element or remove an element from the page and persist changes. 11) Easily search elements by tag, class, or id. ⭐ Color Eyedropper 1) Pick colors from anywhere on the page, even images and IFrames. 2) Get hex and RGB values. 3) Save colors. ⭐ Assets 1) Extract images, SVGs, and videos from the page. 2) Download all the assets at once in ZIP. ⭐ Responsive 1) Any click, scroll, or navigation you perform in one device will be replicated to all devices in real-time. 2) Add new custom device profiles as you like and arrange devices to fit your style. 3) Hot-Reloading Support. ⭐ Debug 1) Clear cache, cookies, and local storage of specific origin or whole browser. 2) Get meta tags from the page and copy them with one click. 3) Check the whole page for spelling mistakes (Only supports English). Please note that this is only available on Chrome. ⭐ Screenshots (Not available on Firefox) 1) Take a screenshot of the whole page or just a visible area. 2) Screenshot the visible area of every tab with just one click. 3) Save the screenshot in PDF, JPG, or PNG. ⭐ Built with 1) Know what technologies the page uses with one click. Over the last year, I'm grateful that Hoverify has received love from developers worldwide, and I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks!
Fajar Siddiq
@zicsus congratulations on the launch 🔥 one of the best tool must have! love the new update. thank you
Himanshu Mishra
Thanks @fajarsiddiq, It won't be possible without your support! I'm really grateful for that.
Steve Bessler
@zicsus thansk to @kenmoo and @alston_antony for letting me know about this great tool. This is now my go to development tool when site designing.
Himanshu Mishra
@kenmoo @alston_antony @steve_bessler Thanks Steve! I grateful to both of them for featuring Hoverify.
Tamar Weinberg
Legit one of the best tools I own.
Ankit Ghosh
Been using it for more than a year, love it.
Ковальчук Владимир
Good staff for frontend developers, upvote this!
Himanshu Mishra
@kovalchuk_vladimir Thanks Mate! Have a nice day :)
Awesome! Thanks a lot :))
by far best extension in this field i have found. and an absolute steal. especially loving the color picker, responsive views and asset download option. couldn't be more happy. keep the great work up!
Himanshu Mishra
Thanks for your feedback @staflow!
Dejan V.
My version is 3.0.53
Himanshu Mishra
@dejan_v_ 😂😂😅
Himanshu Mishra
@dejan_v_ @craigcpaterson That's internal versioning. I messed up my version on the first launch and released it at 2.0.0 so I have to keep on increasing 😅
Himanshu Mishra
@craigcpaterson I will 😄
Dejan V.
Never mind the numbers, this is an amazing tool. I use it almost every day... And thanks for the third browser activation!!!
Felix Scholz
I'm using Hoverify since the beginning. It's the only addon I'm actually using multiple times a week. Especially to screenshot & check colors ♥️
Himanshu Mishra
Thanks @fscholz! Hopefully more features will bring more value to your workflow.
Phillip Boateng
Congrats on the launch! I love using this product and the updates have been amazing! really cool to see how far its come along!
Himanshu Mishra
@philsinsight Thanks for supporting and following the journey! 🤗
Michael Andreuzza
First of all, congrats Himanshu you are a master. So, I have been using Hoveryfy daily for a long time now. I use it daily, the more I use it the more I like it, I have never had an issue with it. Is simply perfect. Recommend 200%.
Himanshu Mishra
@michael_andreuzza Thanks Michael 🤗
Naved Islam
Excellent extension and is very handy!
Himanshu Mishra
@mrislam Thanks Naved!
Sanskar Tiwari
Congrats on the launch Himanshu
Luis PW
Great extension and founder!
Himanshu Mishra
@luispw Ohh Thanks!
Pera Detlic
Lots of browser extensions exist to help web developers. But Hoverify is the only one that does it all!. This one is more than recommendation!
Himanshu Mishra
@neozbiljni Thanks! I'm really happy that Hoverify is able is able to provide value :)
Arman Mazka
Must have tool for webdevs, definitely one of my fav extensions!
Himanshu Mishra
@a_mk Thanks Armand for recommending 😊
Rithvik Podduturi
This is the best extension I have ever bought
Himanshu Mishra
Thanks @rithvikpodduturi! That's a great compliment :)
IM Zhan
Looking nice!
This is a must-have tool for developers! Before, I was only relying on Chrome’s inspector tool but as soon as I discovered this, I loved it already! It made my developing life easier. Kudos to the developer of Hoverify! All the best 🙌🏼
Himanshu Mishra
@charlenelcapili Thanks Charlene! I'm really happy that you're liking it. Please reach out to me if you need any help.