Ryan Hoover

Houseparty 1.5 - Live video chat with friends, now with groups and texting 🎉

Houseparty 1.5 is FaceTime for groups. Now you can make guest lists, name your groups, and group chat away (pro tip: you can even buzz the guest list all at once). Pretend keeping your social circles separate in real life is as easy as separate Houseparty rooms.

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Ryan Hoover
Houseparty just introduced groups, turning the platform into more of a permanent channel for communication. Now friends (up to 16 per party) can start to continue a conversation beyond its initial formation. I'm part of some Facebook Groups that have existed for 3+ years. This evolution and the addition of texting makes a ton of sense and will help build out Houseparty's social group. Meanwhile, Facebook's already introduced a Houseparty-like video chat feature and rumored to release a similar standalone app called Bonfire (h/t @caseynewton).
Josh Elman
@rrhoover this is a pretty awesome new release. I have been buzzing friends a lot more recently.
Tomaž Štolfa
Every product expands until it includes messaging. Congrats @benrbn and team!
Jason Hitchcock
whats up with the banner ad on the homepage for another house party?
Liat Mordechay
Congrats @benrbn and the team. Love the new update!
Jeremy Martin
Congrats on the new release, @benrbn (et al.)! Group management felt like a bit of a missing piece to me, so this is a very welcome update. Texting seems like a smart engagement hook, too - looking forward to digging around some more!
Also being featured on the App Store - congrats guys!! 👏
Albert Klausevits
Very interesting channel for communication.
Stepan Goodween
Congrats with new update.
Hrant Arzumanyan
Love the idea very much! Some time ago me and my friends thought of something like this. Much excited to see this on PH.
Tal Cohen

Nice update





Beth Fiedler

Can't imagine the noise level if everyone is talking. Most of my friends are camera-shy but I will definitely check it out


16 is an amazing number for a party. Congrats!


Can the organizer mute someone?

Rudy Lee
Love the concept! Can't wait to start using this with my friends :D
Mister Sea
I really like having fun in the backyard too, so at some point I decided to create a perfect place for relaxation here. And since it's a place for relaxation, I had to put the amount of needed my work here to the minimum. That was the time when I called for fake grass installers and they put fake grass all over my yard. It's great because now I don't need a lawnmower at all!
Noraa Lexa
Great to see this amazing project I am also working on house stellplaetze project you can see here its very interesting.