Kat Manalac

Hoss DX - The developer experience platform

Hoss gives API-driven companies the tools they need to WOW developers. Delight developers with customizable dashboards, superior docs, better support, and gain critical insights into API product usage.

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Matt Hawkins
Hey All!, We’re the founders of Hoss.com (YC W20)! API companies admire Stripe, Twilio and a few others, not only for their core product, but also for the breadth of capabilities they’ve built to deliver a world-class developer experience. With the rapid expansion of the API universe (meaning: more competition for producers) every API company we’ve spoken with is thinking about how to better differentiate and improve their developer experience. We believe this is an incredible opportunity to provide a platform that offers the core capabilities every API producer needs to delight developers. Similar to how platforms like Shopify provide the building blocks for ecommerce companies to succeed (e.g. sku management, checkout, order management, etc.), Hoss can provide the essential tools API companies need to WOW their customers and thrive. Let us know if you have any questions! Matt, Cameron, Trung (Co-Founders) Reach out at hello@hoss.com