Drew Meyers

Horizon for Android - Short and midrange stays within trusted networks


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Drew Meyers
I'm Drew, one of the co-founders of @getHorizonapp. We're excited to finally release our beta of Horizon for Android with new support for sublets. The app enables you to list your sublet opportunity with an indicator of whether you can offer a floor, couch, room, or apartment along with a paragraph to explain the situation (dates, price, pets, etc) & link to an external site with photos (AirBnB, Craigslist, Dropbox, etc). You can then make that space available to your trusted network of friends, friends of friends, and communities/groups. When thinking about midrange stays (30-150 days), there are three places most people look. Facebook (via friends, friends of friends, and groups they belong to), Craigslist, and AirBnB. They all have their drawbacks. With Facebook, you have to post and "hope" the right person sees it before it disappears from their newsfeed. With Craigslist, you have to deal with inquires from strangers. With AirBnB, as a host you'll need to be comfortable enough with someone to let you them live with you for several months without having met or even spoken to them on the phone -- and, on the traveler/renter side, you're going to pay a hefty premium and large fees. We feel there is significant inventory of floors, couches, rooms and entire apartments/houses that will never be posted anywhere publicly, but are available to one's own trusted network. Bringing more transparency to those spaces will enable them to be utilized more often. Not to mention, spaces only available to trusted networks are almost always discounted compared to market rates. This makes us excited that Horizon could be one tool to help open up additional affordable housing opportunities. Product Hunt, Global Nomads, Yoga, and Social Enterprise are some of the groups we've enabled anyone to join via the groups screen. There are also numerous private communities already setup which require secret unlock codes to gain access to. You'll either need to get an unlock code from someone already in the group, or email us at info@horizonapp.co & we'll verify you belong to specific communities such as @PeaceCorps, @TeachforAmerica, Kivans, @ImpactHUB, and Holocene. Not sure if a community you belong to exists -- please ask your community leader or shoot us an email. We realize it's not quite a polished finish product, but wanted to put it out there and get feedback sooner rather than later & ensure we're on the right path. Special thanks for Jay Warrick for the countless hours he's spent developing this app. Note: For those of you on iOS, we've upgraded the app significantly since releasing our iOS beta on Product Hunt in early 2015. The current iOS version has the ability to post a sublet, but not yet filter by sublets (already available in this Android version). In the near term, if on iOS, you'll need to join pubic groups via our web version at the following URL: http://api.horizonapp.co/groups/ I'm around all day... ask me anything you're curious about.
Raheem Parpia
Loving this app. Using trusted networks that I already have established in more creative ways has been very rewarding. I'm involved with an organization called Kiva.org, which has a tight knit community built around microfinance enthusiasts. It's a growing industry, but the Horizon app lets me find and network with fellow Kivans all around the globe.
Drew Meyers
@raheemparpia It's been super awesome getting to know you the last few weeks. Great to have another passionate microfinance/@kiva supporter here in Seattle.
Ajay Mehta
This new sublet functionality looks totally perfect for someone like me — living on campus during the school year but with a summer internship across the country. I want to rent out my empty room, but I also have roommates and wouldn't want to find someone "random" off of Craigslist. I'll try posting my room as a sublet here!
Drew Meyers
@ajaymehta Indeed, a perfect scenario for Horizon. Let me know if you get any inquiries.
Nice. I've been travelling a lot staying 1-3 months in a country and AirBNB sublets service was just not good enough for its huge fee. Good luck!
Drew Meyers
@gubarev Thanks for the note. Based on speaking to a number of those who travel that way, I certainly feel Horizon will be a great tool for that segment.
Ashok Kamal
I've used the iOS app and it's got a great network that is well segmented for discovery and I'm glad to see the app expanding and evolving!
Drew Meyers
@ak_launchleader Thanks for the support.
André Soravassi Do Carmo
Great way to build and nurture a sense of community! Proud to have Horizon as a local partner of @aiesec, working towards a world with more cultural understanding
Drew Meyers
Thanks, @soravassi. It's been great working with @aiesec's seattle chapter and reaching more students from chapters abroad with the help of @alina_liokumovich & yourself.
Patrick Healy
Great stuff Drew. I love the idea of your own personal and private airbnb. Smart idea!
Drew Meyers
@patrickhealy thank you for the support mr healy.
Love this concept and excited for the potential for Horizon. We're already signed up with them to create a private global network, at a higher standard of quality than what's currently available out there, for our members at Holocene (a private travel community).
Drew Meyers
@nathaniel Thanks for your support. Look forward to working with you to create the strongest travel community around.
Caroline Nuttall
Awesome! Love Horizon and your unwavering dedication to helping people easily access this big, beautiful world.
Drew Meyers
@cnuttall Thanks for the support Caroline.