Coding for kids: an iPad programming language
Nadia Eghbal
Hopscotch — Visual programming language for kids
Nadia Eghbal
Top Product
Easy and fun way to get kids into programming using an iPad or iPhone. I love that they've created a community of kids sharing their projects with each other on Hopscotch. (Bonus: Jocelyn and Sam created the first programming language designed for mobile!)
Gillian Morris
It's totally addictive for adults as well...
Hopscotch is an incredible app built by a fantastic team that is highly dedicated to their mission of getting kids to work on coding. The tech behind this itself is impressive, and all of my nieces and nephews go bananas over it. x1000
Jocelyn Leavitt
Thanks all! Lots more good stuff coming down the pike w Hopscotch. LMK if I can answer questions.
Karim Roushdy
this was coming sooner or later, with the new age of technology & the very tech oriented kids, this will put them one step deeper with technology. In the future maybe we will find kids with products on product hunt and thanks to this!