Hooks Bot is the easiest way to stay up to date on anything through FB Messenger. Whether you’re into news, sports, tv, music, video games, social networks, meet-ups, food or a bit of everything, Hooks Bot makes it simple to stay in the know.
@erictwillis Like the concept, and sorry for asking this, but why should I use this and not Facebook's news feed? To get reports as they happen or newsflashes while I'm on chat?
@haimpekel that's right, with Hooks bot you will get notified at the exact same time something happens e.g. "Paul Graham just posted a tweet" or "Your app just got a new review on the App Store".
As an old-time user of the Hooks app (https://www.producthunt.com/tech...), I'm excited about this.
I'm thinking I'm gonna tell this bot to keep me up to date on the alerts that I care the most about, while keeping all the others (I have more than I'm willing to admit!) in the app.
@esbvn there are both, but we still need to polish the bot interface for that, you can use the search to find the popular ones, but no way to customize it for now...(you can always use Hooks app for that:))
I love Hooks and use it everyday, but not sure if I would use the bot, personally I don't like messenger. But it's awesome to see that Hooks team is working on new things and constantly improving :)
I added a bunch of alerts, and now my phone is buzzing once every few seconds with a notification, is there a way to stop or remove some of the alerts? I don't see an edit feature. I've tried 'stop', 'remove' and 'unsubscribe' but nothing works with this bot. I don't want to have to block it.
@aspunjabi Hi, just type /start or just say Hi, then choose "My Notifications" from the menu, there you can see all the subscriptions you have and delete them. Let me know if this works for you. Thanks!
Startup TV
Bot Hunter Bot
Remind Me At
EuroBot 2016