Chris Messina

Hololens 2 - Mixed reality is ready for business

Top Hunter

HoloLens 2 offers the most comfortable and immersive mixed reality experience available—enhanced by the reliability, security, and scalability of cloud and AI services from Microsoft. $3,500 per device.

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
The focus on the enterprise and industrial use cases is smart. Google Glass should have done that ages ago (and have more recently), instead of trying to make a fashionable consumer wearable.
Eugene Nikolskiy
@chrismessina Looks very promising! But someone should also automate content creation, because for now it is much more expensive than $3500 per workplace...
Evan J. Zimmerman

Hololens is super cool and I'm excited to see how this space evolves.


Looks like an awesome advance on a very high powered piece of tech. I also like the industrial and creative focus.


Will all depend on the dev tools. It's also so much more expensive.

michail mitropoulos
They should stop if they are going to use it for military purposes!!!!!
Craig Weiss
Way too expensive for smb or mid size companies. And same with consumers. I mean who beyond Fortune 500, will buy this? Get the pp down to under 500 and you will get better sales.