Jacob Claerhout

Holly - Your AI recruiter


Get 25 vetted candidates in your mailbox, daily. Holly is your AI recruiter. She sources, vets, and reaches out to candidates automatically. Just tell Holly what you're looking for and she does the rest.

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Jacob Claerhout
Hey Product Hunters! 👋 I'm Jacob, and I'm thrilled to share the latest evolution of Holly, your AI-powered virtual recruiter. Finding candidates for your open roles is hard. However, with Holly on your team, you can run a best in class talent acquisition process on autopilot. How? 1. Tell Holly what you're looking for. 2. Holly will creatively source, vet, and email you 25 new candidates daily. 3. Select the candidates you want Holly to reach out to, and she'll book the interviews. Some of the features: 🔍 Effortless Sourcing: Tell Holly what you’re looking for, and she’ll search a multitude of sources on the web and her proprietary database. ✅ Intelligent Vetting: Boil your ideal candidate down to a list of requirements, and Holly will filter for the ones that meet them. 📧 Personalized Outreach: Holly doesn't just find candidates; she automatically engages with them, through hyper-personalized emails, LinkedIn connection requests, and InMails. Reach out to candidates in your tone of voice. 🤖 Autopilot: We're excited to introduce Holly on autopilot. As soon as Holly has a good understanding of what you’re after, you can enable autopilot. From that moment on, Holly autonomously handles your top of funnel, allowing your team to focus on the human aspects of hiring. 💬 Integration: You can easily connect Holly to your communication channels. She can also integrate with your ATS system, allowing you to keep track of the process when candidates express interest. 🎉 Free Trial: Holly offers a generous trial period where she'll provide you with 250 prequalified candidates. After that, you can use the code above for a 20% discount. I’d love for you to test Holly and get your feedback! Cheers, Jacob
Lukas Rüger
💎 Pixel perfection
If executed well, this could kill half of the Headhunter market :D Jokes aside, I really like this. Where do you get the data from? Is it only LinkedIn or are there other career platforms you are sourcing from?
Jacob Claerhout
Thanks @lrueger! Companies pay insane amounts of money to recruitment agencies, I know, I used to run one. We use public data from multiple public sources such as Linkedin, Github, AngelList... and our own data. We really believe companies will run best in class talent acquisition processes leveraging AI. And we aim for Holly to champion that change! 🚀
Mayoyo From saasuserboost.com
Holy moly, Jacob! Holly sounds like a game-changer in the world of talent acquisition. The idea of having an AI-driven assistant in talent acquisition is simply revolutionary. Looking forward to a seamless hiring process. Kudos on pushing the boundaries of what's possible in talent acquisition, and good luck on your launch.
Jacob Claerhout
Thanks @mayoyo25! We will keep growing Holly's skillset for sure!
Garen Orchyan
Looks great, big congratulations on the launch ♥️🦄
Jacob Claerhout
Prakhar Tandon
Super cool, I see you souce data from LinkedIn mainly, so how does this work from a candidate's pov, do they need to structure their LinkedIn profiles in a specific way?
Jacob Claerhout
Thanks @prakhar_tandon_1! We source profiles from a couple of sources like AngelList and Github, but LinkedIn is an important one for sure. Candidates don't need to have structured their profile in any specific way though. Holly can make sense of whatever she gets to work with.
Great app. Congs
Jacob Claerhout
@frankiie_robinson, appreciate the good vibes!
Rob Van den Broeck
The future of recruiting. Absolute game changers for Talent Acquisition folks, automating all the steps where humans aren't useful so that they can actually focus on what matters. Love it!
Matthieu Meeus
This really is the future of talent acquisition, congrats on the launch and I can’t wait to play with it extensively!
Jacob Claerhout
@matthieu_meeus1 thanks! You should try using the voice feature when you do!
Rony Islam
This product so helpful
Alex Cyphus
Cool idea! Tried to sign up but got an error from Firebase auth. I'm also wondering where the data is sourced whether I need to import my candidates, if it pulls from the LinkedIn API or something, or if you have a database of candidates?
Jacob Claerhout
@alex_cyphus Hi Alex, strange because we don't use Firebase. We're double-checking if we have log in issues at the moment. On our end, things seem fine. Which type of log in did you try using?
Alex Cyphus
🧐 Good find
@jacobclaerhout Google sign in - here's the error Access blocked: ulefbmilvtieitejsmyc.supabase.co has not completed the Google verification process alexjcyphus@gmail.com ulefbmilvtieitejsmyc.supabase.co has not completed the Google verification process. The app is currently being tested, and can only be accessed by developer-approved testers. If you think you should have access, contact the developer. If you are a developer of ulefbmilvtieitejsmyc.supabase.co, see error details. Error 403: access_denied
Jacob Claerhout
@alex_cyphus Epic!! We indeed learned that our Google verification is still pending - not cool. But it should be fixed soon. We'll be pushing people, for now, to use email login. Thanks for sharing!!!
Boris Gordts
@alex_cyphus We fixed the login so now google works again. Thanks for reporting!!
arne panis
Seems like it could have a huge impact on the efficiency of recruiting, excited to see the impact this will have!
Jacob Claerhout
Laurens Heusele
This looks very promising! The Talent Acquisition industry is long overdue for some disruption and leveraging AI looks like a great way to do so.
Jacob Claerhout
@lauheu absolutely
Rick Fan
Great idea, our team really needs this! But unfortunately, it doesn't support the Asian region yet. By the way, there's a bug: when I tried to log in with Google, it failed, showing "Error 403: access_denied"
Boris Gordts
@rick_fan thanks for trying it out! We've resolved the issue so things should be good again. Asia is def on the roadmap, so if you sign up we can keep you up to date!
Super excited for autopilot!
Thibaut Nyssens
Congrats on the launch Jacob & team! Holly is awesome 🙌
Jacob Claerhout
@thibautnyssens epic! Appreciate it. Holly hiring away
Edward Kandel
Love the product, vision and what the team are building - super exciting!
Jacob Claerhout
Alex Banks
Congrats on the launch guys 🔥
Jacob Claerhout
@thealexbanks Thanks Alex!
Ina Simeonova
Congrats on the launch 🎊 Holly sounds like a handy partner to have! Where does she generate the candidates from though? Is it all from LinkedIn and how do you make sure that those people would be genuinely interested in the position?
Jacob Claerhout
Thanks @ina_simeonova1. We focus outbound talent acquisition, where companies reach out to people they are excited about by dropping them a message (over linkedin or email). Does that make sense?
Nieraj Bhatnagar
Congratulations, Makers of the innovative app of Holly for the product launch. At first instance, it looks like a game changer and I am sure that this unique product would definitely change the way the recruiters do now. Going to try it now.. will recommend too. Best of luck..
Jacob Claerhout
@nieraj_bhatnagar Thanks a ton!
Larry Hartman
Great concept, streamlining the recruiting process.