Gillian Morris

Wandertab by Hitlist 2.0 - Amazing flight deals (and images) with every new tab


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Gillian Morris
Wandertab has a fun history - I met @kvakes at a hackathon and we built a hack that replaced your boring new tab with a beautiful picture *and* data on flight pricing (more here: Today Wandertab has about 10k daily active users and has inspired a few flattering imitators ( The new version introduces one of the most-requested features, the ability to change your home airport, a revamped design, and an upgraded set of images that will make travel even more irresistible.
Ben Tossell
Hey @gillianim what are the big updates since the launch 10 months ago?? Have you found that users are continuing to use this everyday? The whole 'Productised Marketing' approach can sometimes drop off in certain cases... e.g. I can imagine some people getting annoyed seeing fantastic trips that they can't afford/get time off for at that time - which may cause them to un-install ha. Do you see any behavioural changes where people may use it for a month or two then uninstall (hopefully when they've bought the trip and gone on it!)? @chrismessina you may want to update your Chrome New Tabs Collection :)
Gillian Morris
@bentossell ability to change your home airport, a boatload of new content from amazing contributing photographers, better deal sourcing on the back end for a better user experience. We definitely noticed more churn in recent months, which inspired the update. The biggest complaint was that people weren't able to specify their home airport (especially in the Bay Area, where many may be geographically closer to Oakland but prefer to fly out of SFO). We've actually seen an increase in click through to booking, however, and we're doing our best to make sure we're delivering the most relevant content according to your geography and browsing habits. The obvious next step is to connect Wandertab directly with your Hitlist app identity and allow you to save/create trips across both properties... might be a Christmas project :)
Ben Tossell
@gillianim oooo yeah that sounds like it would be very handy... bust Xmas then ;)
David Iwanow
Hmmm interesting UX but I would love more control of what airlines I want to filter on
Gillian Morris
@davidiwanow it's on the roadmap! Along with being able to filter by the hours of the flight, etc. You have to start somewhere :)
Aswini Anburajan
One of the most creative tab extensions out there -- captures the ethos of social/viral content -- gorgeous images, human desire and simple ux
Louis Monoyudis
Wandertab is great. The pictures are beautiful and a little mental vacation while online is always welcome!
Asbjørn Andersen
In addition to a neat extension i'm also browsing the Hitlist app itself. Didn't know it existed. Very nice!
Nicholas Silva
How do you get version 2.0? All I'm able to see is version 1.2.5.
Alex Marshall
Love this chrome extension although the constant reminder that I have no holiday days left is a bummer when I've just got into the office! :)
Danny Lowney
Great job on the ext. Best of luck with it!
Andre Flores
Amazing work! Love the photos!
✨Lauralynn Stubler✨
Love using this! I actually went to Europe because of the prices I saw here!
Jennifer Chong
Love this Chrome extension - beautiful photos! Also love the Hitlist app - am actually in Hawaii on vacation right now because of it :)
Gillian Morris
@jchong10 can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear this! May it be the first of many
Sarthak Grover
Great job @gillianim ! Really like the clean UX and it's a good reminder that I need a vacation and gives me ideas when I don't have any specifics in mind =) Is there going to be an option for last minute getaways at some point (perhaps weekend getaways, okay maybe an extended weekend)? Update - Ofcourse, as soon as I asked about domestic getaways, I started getting them. This is addictive, makes me want to keep refreshing the new tab =)
Gillian Morris
@sarthakgrover you can always download @hitlist_app to specify exactly what type of deals you'll be able to get - we plan to include this functionality directly in the Chrome extension before too long as well.
Graham Paterson
I'm not sure this'll get read so late in the game, but love it. I nearly uninstalled after it took a while the first time, and I presumed it would take so long every time. If it just said "Loading - first time only" it would perhaps retain better. Overall love it, great job.
Gillian Morris
@gpat_uk ah, thanks for the feedback, that's an easy fix.
Zack Howitt
Terrific Product, the hitlist team is killing it!
Nicole Sanchez
A favorite part of my day. Simply love it!