Chris Messina

Hitlist 3.0 - Plan, share, and book trips with friends

Top Hunter

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
It's been exciting to watch the evolution of this app as @gillianim continues to execute on one of the better travel apps out there (and it's both a complex and competitive space).
Gillian Morris
Thanks @chrismessina. We're sick of seeing apps that offer you 'cheap flights to Vegas' and thought there could be a better way to plan travel. Hitlist helps you find places that excite you, follow friends that inspire you, and scan the best prices for all the types of trips that might interest you. v3 is the culmination of four months' direct work but also five years of learnings in this industry.
Absolutely. Travel, and friends go hand in hand. Most of my travel decisions have been based on inspiration from friends. Making that process easy is a win!
Gillian Morris
@elbahnasy to put this into numbers - the head of product at Tripadvisor said that when people connected Facebook to Tripadvisor, conversions increased 27%. So it's not just you and me but a substantial number of users of the biggest travel site in the world that get travel inspiration from friends.
Kelly Peeler
I planned trips to places I never would have gone and have also saved a ton on last minute bi-coastal trips! Love hitlist!
Gillian Morris
@kellypeeler happy to hear it's been working out well for you :) I still can't believe how cheap it is to get to Scandanavia right now... these $300 round trip weekend fares to Oslo are tempting to even my broke startup founder budget.
Sumeet Shah
Hitlist has always been so great for two reasons. 1. To find fantastic last-minute trips and go travel 2. To have the Instagram-like endless scroll strategy to get excited about traveling Keep killing it, @gillianim!
Eric Hubbell
Congrats on the update @gillianim! Your team is putting together great products. Always excited to see what you guys do next! (ps. Checkout Wandertab if you haven't already from the team @Hitlist)
Gillian Morris
... and just found out that we're featured as a Best New App in the App Store this week. It must have been Product Hunt that won them over :) Thanks again @chrismessina for hunting
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@gillianim you're welcome! Congrats!!
Rohit Goyal
Lovely product. Truly useful. The product is really really useful for international trips specially. Also like the curated stuff on the homepage. One question: is there a way it shows common destination between friends as that would be extremely useful to plan together. This might there in the app already but as I don't have any of my friend in the app currently so wasn't sure. Hence shared my view anyway. Would share more feedback if i have any. As of now looks like pretty much sorted to me. Great job Gillian :)
Gillian Morris
@imrgoyal we don't have a straightforward way to discover common destinations with friends at scale, but you can always see what other friends are interested in specific cities on the city page or go to a friend's profile and browse his or her Hitlist. We definitely want to make this more intuitive in the future, please stay tuned!
Sten Tamkivi
Congrats on getting the big update out of the door, @gillianim!
Rutger Teunissen
This is an awesome idea. But taking advantage of the idea that friends can see your travels, it would be amazing if they could suggest places to go if they have travelled there before. Nice work!
Gillian Morris
@rutgerteunissen we try and make it easy to figure out where friends have been by going to their profiles and browsing... But there's a lot we could do to make the more intuitive and to make it easier to invite. We'll keep working on it with 3.1...
Dan Fennessy
Great update @gillianim! Hitlist is perfect for finding cheap flights when your travel dates are a bit flexible, and great to get inspired on where to go. I'm using it over Skyscanner these days.
Aswini Anburajan
Awesome product that drives you curated, discounted products. The UX is gorgeous and awesome - one of the best ways to buy flights via your phone.
Blake Robbins
Huge fan of Hitlist and @gillianim! Congrats on the launch!
Chase Perkins
@gillianim Collaborative vacay, I think you are onto something really interesting. This is easily the largest pain point even hypothetically considering a trip!
Glen One N
Yo! Great app! Best of luck with this and fingers crossed that you do really well from all this awesome attention :)
Tom Limongello
Finally, a way to share trips with friends before I actually know the full details. It's the future, literally.
Gillian Morris
@tomlimongello ha nice one. I'm really enjoying your trip names, even if I'm not going to be holding in knee socks anytime soon...
Tom Limongello
@gillianim they were too hot for August in Bermuda but they make for surprisingly good late night work attire when you forget how long you've been staring at the screen.
Adrian Grant
Great product, but mostly upvoted because @gillianim is awesome!
Devon Tivona
I love this product, and I love this team!
james fish
Rad. Keep up the strong work @gillianim :)
Jed Christiansen
Congratulations, @gillianim! It's *great* to see the kind of engagement and conversion numbers you're sending along... that sounds like a serious metric that you're on to something. :) Great to see Hitlist execute!
Karim Atiyeh
Congratulations @gillianim. Great design as always!