This product is pretty awesome. Once ideas like this start taking off, lawyers can focus on the things (problems) that they actually get paid the big bucks to help solve. Reducing friction for mundane tasks that humans have to do is a good way to innovate with technology. Looking forward to seeing more cool ideas like this one.
Fantastic idea but, to be honest, i am not willing to send any of my legal docs to an email that I am not sure if it's an AI or a human. Right now trust is the only issue, imagine a type of mistake that Siri often does with names and locations...
Excited by the use of blockchain for legal docs, however, I am skeptical of the claims that it is a legally valid notary worldwide. Not something you want to mess around with.
i am looking forward to taking "peter" for a test drive. I have been using "Amy" on the scheduling AI side and have had an awesome user experience.. Thanks for the intro..
Love this for a few reasons: I'm fascinated by machine learning and AI, AND I used to work on legal software! Will be following its development closing. Great job, yet-to-be-named makers!
it seems we've shifted from saying "cloud" or "in-the-cloud" to "AI" - i can bet this term will start getting abused more and more by startups for the next little while.
stuff like this is gonna have lawyers on their they HAVE to do things quicker!! Finally!! My lawyers said they will get something done in 1 month and gave it to me after 4 months.....after the launch!! I am curious to know what all this app can do...