Hey Folks!
We just shipped a major update to our web messenger that I'm really excited to share with all of you today.
How many times have you been chatting with a business on their website and been locked to the open browser tab. While you're waiting for the human on the other end to answer you, you're trapped in the "browser jail" - if you close the tab or simply get up and walk away, your conversation may be lost forever.
That's all about to change. With our new web messenger, you can start a conversation with a business via its web site, then choose to take that conversation over to Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Telegram and others. History is seamlessly synchronized and we make sure that you're free to engage with the business on your own terms and are never locked in a web chat experience that you don't want to be.
We can do this because unlike traditional CRM, chat and helpdesk tools - Smooch isn't trying to lock you into a specific tool for managing and communicating with your users. You can actually manage and reply to conversations created through Smooch from Slack, Front, or your favourite CRM. We're focussed on adding features that make it easy for businesses to get started and for UX improvements that really change the game for consumers.
Hope you like our new web messenger. Would love to know your thoughts!
@gozmike Can you still collect plain ol' email? It doesn't get a link at the bottom? Smooch looks awesome. I am currently using Intercom and I love the ability to move between live chat and email. Changing to Smooch and having SMS would be amazing. Are you planning on integrating with Segment? I am a noob/time poor/lazy and don't want to have to play with the API.
@boogsau Don't worry, we love plain ol' email as much as you do! That's why Email and SMS linking are next up on our list. You'll be able to reach back to your customers in whatever way you choose between Messenger, Email, SMS, Web, Telegram and WeChat.
Being able to sync customer data is huge. It feels like we're on the verge of people expecting to be able to seamlessly jump between different messaging contexts. Right now the context switching is really high and it always seems to require re-entering the same info again. Way to make it easier to maintain the same conversation! 🙌
@bgeneugelijk We use whatever mechanism a given messaging channel offers us. For example with Facebook we use their Send to Messenger plugin. For Telegram we listen for the bot /start command. For WeChat we present a QR code for you to scan, and so on. In all cases, the user explicitly opts in to have their messaging app account linked to a given business, so there's never any rude surprise.
This looks awesome! I started using the smooch web messenger when you guys went by the name SupportKit and were running around WWDC dropping off cookies and chipotle. Congrats on the newest release!
@sucrose Hey Jon! This is the first we've seen of it. Can you please kick off a support chat with us (https://smooch.io/live-web-chat/) and we'll work through it with you. Interested in understanding why we gave you this error.
Looks awesome, great to see a platform getting out of what you call 'browser jail' !
Wanted to sign up, but didn't come through the question 'What best describes your role?', the bot seems to be stuck.
I love how the end-user can take the conversation where they want. I have a few use cases I would like to try this on. Will give more feedback after I get my hands dirty!
I am setting up our Smooch now. Really excited to get this up and running. I see how much time I will be saving with the bots answering the questions I answer a hundred times a day. I see this product evolving with us as well. A lot of great features. Thanks!
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