Smooch for Bots - Instantly deploy your bots wherever users are
Smooch for Bots enables bot companies to instantly deploy their bots wherever users are. Whether that’s on the most popular chat apps, mobile apps and web messengers or SMS.
Smooch for Bots enables bot companies to instantly deploy their bots wherever users are. Whether that’s on the most popular chat apps, mobile apps and web messengers or SMS.
HipChat with Your Users
HipChat with Your Users
It's incredible, if you need your own chat platform/channel/widget (this means the UX and communications) in a web, Android or iOS for your bot this is the only professional solution for developers existing on the market. At least I have never seen, in the last year and after a big research something like Smooch. Read more for a long explanation.
- Problem:
If you are thinking in chatbots in your web without social media players, or in you App in Android or iOS, your chat must have the next capabilities:
- Enriched messages like quick replies or buttons.
- Full customization
- Scalability
- Security
You can integrate a chat with a lot of services and they have SDK and more, but they are adapted for human chat (Zendesk or LiveChat for example), not for bots, this means that they won't qualify for bot development.
In other hand you can find bot platforms that offer their own channel, forcing to use the whole solution and it's limitations. If you are thinking on a bot more complex than a bot that tells you "hello, call this number", this is something to take into consideration. Moreover, the best bot platforms for developers have partnerships with Smooch and the integration is direct.
- Solution:
You have two alternative if you need your own platform in a web, Android or iOS for your bot:
1. You could develop your own chat channel, their backend, solve the problem of synchronism, concurrence, memory, create the web SDK with their CSS, create the Android SDK, etc, etc, etc.
2. Put in your live.
If your aren't Google, Facebook, Salesforce or Amazon, don't hesitate! you should take option 2.
Pros:1 Rich messages, QR/buttons
2 Incredible customization
3 Multi platform user tracking
4 Standard message format
5 Great SDK Android/iOS/Web
Cons:It would be great to have entities in the messages in both ways. This doesn't exist, or we haven't found a service that has this :) :) :)
Product Hunt
HipChat with Your Users
HipChat with Your Users
At Sciensio, we have been using Smooch from the start, and view them as a integral part of our award winning Event Chatbot solution. During the last 18 months besides having great technology everyone we have interacted with has been fabulous to work with. They have had some valuable input about how to achieve our goals.
Pros:1. Great support for a wide variety of Customer channels
2. Innovative approach to connect to business system for live support
3. Great team
Cons:1. Wish there was a way to intercept messages from the business systems before the message is delivered to the customer
HipChat with Your Users