Chris Messina

The Best Music of 2015 -'s annual review of the best new music

Top Hunter

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Gabe Grimley
I like the layout and the product... Not so sure about the lists. The 50 best songs include 3 or 4 repeats of a few artists, so there are only about 27 artists on the list. I feel like it's the 50 best songs of the top 25 artists, not truly the 50 best songs. I know that there's only so much time in a year, but I would hope for a bit more diversity in that list. And with a statement like "Hillydilly is a music blog dedicated to unearthing new music", I'd hope for more new artists. But on the product - great UI, I love the slideshow is navigated by the arrow keys, saves me a ton of clicking. Very visually appealing artist / EP slides.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@gmgrimley fair. I had a similar reaction — @chadhillydilly, can you speak to this criticism? How did you make your picks?
Chad Hillard
@chrismessina @gmgrimley Hey guys, thanks for sharing and checking out the lists! As far as picking the artists and songs for the lists go, we don't make a point to include new artists or diversify the artists included just for the sake of it. We judge each song purely on the merits of the song itself. We love unearthing new music, don't get us wrong, but that doesn't mean we highlight "underground" music over "mainstream" just because. We're about pushing the best across the spectrum of music as a whole, and we feel this list accurately represents the year that was in the most honest way.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@chadhillydilly cool, thanks for the insight!
Gabe Grimley
@chadhillydilly @gmgrimley Chad, totally agree with taking quality over fresh faces - and quite a few of those artists are still new to me.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I absolutely loved HillyDilly's 2014 Year in Review, so I'm happy to see this year's expanding listings! Here's a playlist of tracks from last year's list.
Ben Tossell
@jnsdls @rrhoover may be of interest :)